Meyer, Carolyn (Mae)

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MEYER, Carolyn (Mae)

MEYER, Carolyn (Mae). American, b. 1935. Genres: Young adult fiction, Travel/Exploration, Children's fiction, Young adult non-fiction. Career: Secretary, late 1950s; freelance writer of articles, book reviews, and books, 1963-; McCall's magazine, columnist, 1967-72; Institute of Children's Literature, instructor, 1973-79; Bucknell University, Alpha Lambda Delta Lecturer, 1974; Guest lecturer in children's literature, 1976-78; Los Angeles Times, children and young adult book reviewer, 1989-90. Gives talks and workshops in elementary, junior and senior high schools, and colleges. Presenter at history, library, literary, and reading conferences. Workshop leader for writing groups. Publications: FOR YOUNG ADULTS. FICTION: C.C. Poindexter, 1979; Eulalia's Island, 1982; The Summer I Learned about Life, 1983; The Luck of Texas McCoy, 1984; Elliott & Win, 1986; Denny's Tapes, 1987; Wild Rover, 1989; Because of Lissa, 1990; Killing the Kudu, 1990; Japan: How Do Hands Make Peace?, 1990; The Problem with Sidney, 1990; Gillian's Choice, 1991; The Two Faces of Adam, 1991; Where the Broken Heart Still Beats: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker, 1992; White Lilacs, 1993; Rio Grande Stories, 1994; Drummers of Jericho, 1995; Gideon's People, 1996; Jubilee Journey, 1997; Mary, Bloody Mary, 1999; Isabel, Jewel of Castilla, 2000; Anastasia Last of the Grand Duchesses, 2000; Beware, Princess Elizabeth, 2001; Anne Boleyn, forthcoming. NONFICTION: Miss Patch's Learn-to-Sew Book, 1969; Stitch by Stitch, 1970; The Bread Book, 1971; Yarn, 1972; Saw, Hammer, and Paint, 1973; Christmas Crafts, 1974; Milk, Butter, and Cheese, 1974; The Needlework Book of Bible Stories, 1975; People Who Make Things, 1975; Rock Tumbling, 1975; Amish People, 1976; Coconut, 1976; Lots and Lots of Candy, 1976; Eskimos, 1977; Being Beautiful, 1977; Mask Magic, 1978; The Center, 1980; Rock Band, 1980; (with C. Gallenkamp) The Mystery of the Ancient Maya, 1985, rev. ed., 1995; Voices of South Africa, 1986; Voices of Northern Ireland, 1987; A Voice from Japan, 1988; In a Different Light, 1996. Address: 202 Edith Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102, U.S.A. Online address:

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