Martin, Christopher R. 1963-
Martin, Christopher R. 1963-
Born February 25, 1963, in Columbus, OH; son of Phillip R. (in sales) and Barbara J. (a meeting planner) Martin; married Bettina Fabos (a professor), July 18, 1992; children: Olivia, Sabine. Education: Capital University, B.A., 1985; Emerson College, M.A., 1990; University of Michigan, Ph.D., 1995. Politics: Independent.
Home—Oxford, OH. Office—Journalism Program, Miami University, 108 Williams Hall, Oxford, OH 45056. E-mail—
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, professor, 1995-2005; Miami University, Oxford, OH, professor of journalism, 2005—. Klagenfurt University, visiting professor, 2003.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (vice leader of cultural and critical studies division, 2005-06).
Ray and Pat Browne Award, Popular Culture Association, 2004, for Framed! Labor and the Corporate Media.
(With Richard Campbell and wife, Bettina Fabos) Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication, Bedford/St. Martin's Press (Boston, MA), 2000, 5th edition, 2005.
Framed! Labor and the Corporate Media, Cornell University Press (Ithaca, NY), 2004.
Choice, June, 2004, P.E. Kane, review of Framed! Labor and the Corporate Media, p. 1875.
Columbia Journalism Review, March-April, 2004, James Boylan, review of Framed!, p. 58.
Contemporary Sociology, January, 2005, David Croteau, review of Framed!
Harvard Business Review, April, 2004, John T. Landry, review of Framed!
Labor History, February, 2005, Calvin F. Exoo, review of Framed!, p. 114.
Mass Communication and Society, summer, 2004, Jon Bekken, review of Framed!, pp. 381-385.
Publishers Weekly, November 17, 2003, review of Framed!