Maoz, Zeev 1951-

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Maoz, Zeev 1951-


Born June 28, 1951, in Bistriza, Romania; brought to Israel, 1958; son of Moshe and Zipora Moses; married Zehava Navo; children: Inbal, Omry. Education: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, B.A., 1976, M.A., 1978; University of Michigan, Ph.D., 1981.


Office—Department of Political Science, University of California—Davis, 1 Shield Ave., Davis, CA 95616. E-mail—


University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, lecturer, 1982-85, senior lecturer, 1985-89, associate professor, 1989-91, professor of political science and chair of department, 1991-94, director of Center for Policy and Security Studies, 1992-94; Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, professor of political science, 1994-2004, Brian Mulroney Professor of Government, 2004, head of Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, 1994-97, head of graduate school of government policy, 2000-03; University of California, Davis, professor of political science, 2004—, director of international relations program, 2006—. Visiting fellow, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1981-82; visiting professor, Rice University, 1997-98, and University of Michigan, 2003-04. Academic director, M.A. program in national security for the National Defense College of the Israel Defense Forces, 1990-93. Military service: Israel Defense Forces, 1969-73; became captain.


Israeli Political Science Association (member of executive committee, 1983-85, 1991-93), International Studies Association (vice president, 2000-01), Israeli Association of International Studies (acting president, 2001-03), American Political Science Association (chair of the Conflict Processes Section, 2002-05), Peace Science Society (president, 2007-08).


Political economy fellowship, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1981-82; Yigal Allon fellowship, Israeli Council of Higher Education, 1983-85; presidential fellowship, New York University, 1987-88; Karl W. Deutsch Outstanding Young Scholar Award, International Studies Association, 1989; Ford Foundation grants, 1990-92, 1994-96; recipient of many other grants and awards; National Science Foundation grant, 2000-02; Israel Defense Forces grant, 2001-02.


Paths to Conflict: International Dispute Initiation, 1816-1976, Westview Press (Boulder, CO), 1982.

National Choices and International Processes, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1990.

Paradoxes of War: On the Art of National Self-Entrapment, Unwin Hyman (Boston, MA), 1990.

Domestic Sources of Global Change, University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI), 1996.

(Editor) Regional Security in the Middle East: Past, Present, and Future, Frank Cass (Portland, OR), 1997.

(Editor, with Azar Gat, and contributor) War in a Changing World, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI), 2001.

Bound by Struggle: The Strategic Evolution of Enduring International Rivalries, University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI), 2002.

(Editor, with Emily Landau and Tamar Maltz) Regional Security Regimes, Frank Cass (Portland, OR), 2003.

(Editor, with Alex Mintz, Cliff Morgan, Glenn Palmer, and Richard Stoll, and contributor) Multiple Paths to Knowledge in International Relations: Methodology in the Study of Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution, Lexington Books (Lanham, MD), 2004.

(Editor, with Emily B. Landau and Tamar Malz) Building Regional Security in the Middle East: International, Regional and Domestic Influences, Frank Cass (Portland, OR), 2004.

Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel's Security and Foreign Policy, University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI), 2006.

Contributor to books, including Quantitative Indicators in World Politics: Early Warning and Timely Assurance, edited by J. David Singer and Richard J. Stroll, Praeger, 1984; Syria under Asad, edited by Moshe Maoz and Avner Yaniv, Croom Helm, 1985; International War: An Anthology and Study Guide, edited by Melvin Small and J. David Singer, Dorsey Press, 1985; Dynamic Models of International Conflict, edited by Urs Luterbacher and Michael D. Ward, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1985; Paradoxical Effects of Social Behavior: Essays in Honor of Anatol Papoport, edited by Peter Mitter and Andreas Diekman, Physica-Verlag, 1986; Text Analysis Procedures for the Study of Decision Making, edited by I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris, and Marianne Melman, Sociometric Research Foundation, 1986; Theory and Decision: Essays in Honor of Werner Liefellner, edited by Gerald Eberlein and Hal Berghel, D. Riedel, 1987; Measuring the Correlates of War, edited by J. David Singer and Paul Diehl, University of Michigan Press, 1990; Contemporary Laboratory Experiments in Political Economy, edited by Thomas R. Palfrey, University of Michigan Press, 1991; Syria and Israel's National Security, edited by Avner Yaniv, Moshe Maoz, and Avi Kober, Ma'arachot, 1991; Psychological Contributions to Peace Research, edited by Knud Larsen, Sage, 1993; Classics of International Politics, edited by John A. Vasquez, Prentice Hall, 1995; Democracy, War, and Peace in the Middle East, edited by David Garnham and Mark Tessler, Indiana University Press, 1995; The Middle East Military Balance, 1994-95, edited by Ephraim Kam, Westview Press, 1996; Foreign PolicyDecisionmaking: The Cognitive-Rational Debate, Lynne Rienner Publications, 1997; The Clausewitzian Dictum and the Future of Western Military Strategy, edited by Gert de Nooy, Martinus Nijhoff, 1997; Wars in the Midst of Peace: The International Politics of Ethnic Conflict, Pittsburgh University Press, 1997; Conflict in World Politics, edited by Frank Harvey and Ben D. Mor, Macmillan, 1998; The Dynamics of Enduring Rivalries, edited by Paul Diehl, University of Illinois Press, 1998; What Do We Know about War?, edited by John A. Vasquez, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000; Studies in Israeli Diplomacy, Zionism, and International Relations, edited by Abraham Ben-Zvi and Aharon Klieman, Frank Cass, 2001; Balancing of Power, edited by Colin Elman and John A. Vasquez, Rowman & Littlefield, 2002; Millennium Reflections on International Studies, edited by Michael Brecher and Frank Harvey, University of Michigan Press, 2002; The Scourge of War, edited by Paul F. Diehl, University of Michigan Press, 2004; New Directions for International Relations, edited by Alex Mintz and Bruce Russett, Lexington Press, 2005; and Approaches, Levels, and Methods of Analysis in International Relations: Crossing Boundaries, edited by Harvey Starr, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2006.

Contributor to periodicals, including Journal of Politics, International Interactions, Journal of Peace Research, International Studies Review, Journal of Strategic Studies, International Security, International Studies Quarterly, World Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Electoral Studies, Public Choice, Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, Review of International Studies, Conflict Management and Peace Studies, American Political Science Review, Security Studies, British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Behavioral Science, Theory and Decision, Social Behaviour and Political Psychology. Series editor, "Innovations in the Study of World Politics," Lexington Books, 2003—. Member of editorial boards, Dilemmas in World Politics, 1986—, Conflict Management and Peace Science, 1991—, International Studies Quarterly, 1990-2000, and International Interactions, 1996—; member of international advisory board, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1989—.


Political science professor Zeev Maoz specializes in the examination of conflict and resolution in today's troubled Middle East. In works such as National Choices and International Processes, Regional Security in the Middle East: International, Regional and Domestic Influences, and Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel's Security and Foreign Policy, Maoz examines the ways in which modern states in the region interrelate and suggests how theoretical concepts about relations in general could be changed as a result. National Choices and International Processes, for instance, "is ambitious, complex, ‘messy’ (but not sloppy), and often indeterminate," stated Bruce Russett in World Politics. The book "rejects intellectual efforts to ignore the domestic political determinants of foreign policy choice, and it attempts to develop a systematic model of the foreign policy process." "Maoz insists that one must identify the conditions that trigger a particular decision rule," Russett concluded. "Actors may follow particular reasoning principles, such as maximizing their expected utilities, in some political contexts but not in others. By incorporating this refinement, Maoz is able to connect game theory with other aspects of bargaining theory, social psychology, and theories of the international system."

In Defending the Holy Land, wrote Raymond G. Helmick in Tikkun, "Maoz examines the behavior of the Israel Defense Force in every war or military engagement since the 1950s, focusing on the IDF's security doctrines and their influence on foreign policy and every other part of government decision-making." He comes to the conclusion that the force operates almost independently of civil control, and that its influence on foreign policy has significantly contributed to the wars that have plagued Israel since its founding. "Maoz claims that this book is the product of three decades of thought—and it shows," declared Stuart A. Cohen in the Middle East Journal. "The endnotes and bibliography provide ample evidence of the breadth of Maoz's reading and his sensitivity to the research of other scholars."



Middle East Journal, September 22, 2006, Stuart A. Cohen, review of Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel's Security and Foreign Policy, p. 804.

Orbis, September 22, 1998, review of Regional Security in the Middle East: International, Regional and Domestic Influences, p. 619.

Reference & Research Book News, November 1, 2006, review of Defending the Holy Land.

Tikkun, November 1, 2006, Raymond G. Helmick, "Breaching the Iron Wall," review of Defending the Holy Land, p. 87.

World Politics, January 1, 1995, Bruce Russett, "Processes of Dyadic Choice for War and Peace," review of National Choices and International Processes, p. 268.