Laux, Dorianne 1952–
Laux, Dorianne 1952–
(Dorianne Louise Laux)
Born January 10, 1952, in Augusta, ME; daughter of Alton (a mill worker) and Frances Comeau (a nurse) Green; married Ron Salisbury, 1991 (marriage ended, 1994); married Joseph Millar, December 12, 1997; children: Tristem Laux. Education: Mills College, B.A. (with honors), 1988. Politics: Democrat.
Home—Eugene, OR. Office—Program in Creative Writing, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403; fax: 541-346-0537. E-mail—
California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, adjunct teacher of poetry and independent studies, 1992-93; University of Oregon, Eugene, assistant professor, 1994-97, associate professor, 1997-2006, professor of writing, 2006—, director of creative writing program, 1998-99, poetry director, 2004-06. Visiting writer at University of Arkansas, 1998, and University of Memphis, 1999; University of Minnesota, visiting teacher, 1998; University of Idaho, distinguished visiting writer, 1999; Hamline University, writer in residence, 2000; guest lecturer at other institutions, including Antioch University, California State University, Fresno, Lewis and Clark College, Swarthmore College, and Sarah Lawrence College. Frequent judge of poetry contests; participant in conferences, workshops, and community education programs; guest on television and radio programs; gives readings from her works.
Pushcart Prize, 1986, for "Quarter to Six"; first place poetry awards, Mary Merrit Henry Prizes, 1987, 1989; award from Ina Coolbrith statewide poetry competition, West Coast University of California Campuses, 1988; Isabella Gardner fellow, MacDowell Colony, 1988; resident at Djerassi Foundation, 1988, and Yaddo, 1989; Bread Loaf fellow and Margaret Bridgeman fellow in poetry, 1990; fellow of National Endowment for the Arts, 1990 and 2001; Editor's Choice III Award, 1991; resident at Villa Montalvo, 1994; finalist for National Book Critics Circle Award, poetry category, 1995, for What We Carry; Media Award, National Mental Health Association, 1998, for the essay "Other Gardens"; Guggenheim fellow, 2001; resident at Caldera and Banff Center for the Arts, 2002, and at Anderson Center for the Arts, 2004; Oregon Book Award, 2006, for Facts about the Moon.
(With Laurie Duesing and Kim Addonizio) Three West Coast Women (poetry), Five Fingers Poetry (San Francisco, CA), 1983.
Awake (poetry), BOA Editions (Rochester, NY), 1990.
What We Carry (poetry), BOA Editions (Rochester, NY), 1994.
(With Kim Addonizio) The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry, W.W. Norton (New York, NY), 1997.
Smoke (poetry), BOA Editions (Rochester, NY), 2000.
Facts about the Moon (poetry), W.W. Norton (New York, NY), 2006.
Some individual poems have been published in limited broadside editions. Work represented in numerous anthologies, including Touching Fire, Carroll & Graf (New York, NY), 1989; Catholic Girls, Harper (New York, NY), 1992; Gender Issues, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1993; The Best American Poetry, 1999, Scribner (New York, NY), 1999; Lucky Break: How I Became a Writer, edited by Howard Junker, Heinemann (Portsmouth, NH), 1999; and Pushcart Press: Best of the Small Presses. Contributor of dozens of poems, essays, and reviews to periodicals, including American Poetry Review, Five Fingers Review, Kenyon Review, Ploughshares, Poet Lore, and Shenandoah. Coeditor, Americas Review, 1990-94; guest editor, Alaska Quarterly, 1998; contributing editor, Poetry Flash, 1990—, and Editor's Choice I, 1993.
Some of Laux's poetry has been translated into Italian, Korean, Romanian, Portuguese, and French.
Junker, Howard, editor, Lucky Break: How I Became a Writer, Heinemann (Portsmouth, NH), 1999.
American Poetry Review, July-August, 1992, Sam Hamill, "A Poetry of Daily Practice: Adrienne Rich, S.J. Marks, Dorianne Laux," pp. 35-38.
Antioch Review, spring, 1998, Molly Bendall, review of The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry, p. 246.
Booklist, November 1, 2000, Patricia Monaghan, review of Smoke, p. 512.
Kansas City Star, January 26, 2001, John Mark Eberhart, review of Smoke.
Poet Lore, Volume 90, number 1, 1994, Judith Vollmer, "The Body's Devotion and Astonishment."
Publishers Weekly, September 25, 2000, review of Smoke, p. 108; August 15, 2005, review of Facts about the Moon, p. 34.
Women's Review of Books, November, 1994, Alison Townsend, review of What We Carry, p. 19.
Dorianne Laux Home Page, (December 26, 2007).