Kiljunen, Kimmo 1951–
Kiljunen, Kimmo 1951–
(Kimmo Roobert Kiljunen)
PERSONAL: Born June 13, 1951, in Ruokolahti, Finland; son of Veikko Benjamin (a conservator of arts) and Ulla Kaarina (a conservator of arts) Kiljunen; married Marja-Liisa Makinen (a development administrator), February 2, 1972; children: Rauha, Veikko, Riikka, Jaakko. Ethnicity: "Finnish." Education: University of Helsinki, M.A., 1973; University of Sussex, M.Phil., 1977, D.Phil., 1985.
ADDRESSES: Home—Vantaa, Finland. Office—Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki, Hameentie 153 B, 00560 Helsinki, Finland; fax: 358-9-432-2274. E-mail—
CAREER: Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, research assistant, 1971; Finnish United Nations Association, liaison officer, 1974–75; Labour Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki, research fellow, 1979–81; University of Helsinki, Helsinki, lecturer in development studies, beginning 1981, director of Institute of Development Studies, 1986–95, docent, 1986; Finnish Parliament, member, 1995–, chair of Parliamentarians for Global Action, 1995–99, member of future committee, 1995–99, and foreign affairs committee, 1996–, member of Nordic Council, 1997–2001, vice chair of grand committee for European affairs, 1999–, and Parliamentary Network on the World Bank, 2001–, member of European Union Constitutional Convention, 2002–03. Government of Finland, member of Governmental Advisory Board on Economic Relations with Developing Countries, 1981–85, 1989–92; Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, vice chair of Finnish delegation, 1995–, chair of working group on Moldova, 2000–, vice president of Parliamentary Assembly, 2001–04; Finnish Social Democratic Party, chair of working group on migration policy, 1997–99, working group on nearby regions, 1999–2005, and working group on European Union, 2005–. United Nations, member of Finnish delegation, 1979, and consultant to various offices; Kampuchea Inquiry Commission, secretary-general, 1980–82; International Peace Bureau, secretary-general, 1984–85. Visiting fellow at Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1973, and Nordic Institute for Asian Affairs, 1981; Academy of Finland, research fellow, 1981–85; guest lecturer at Tampere University, 1981 and 1984, Joensuu University, 1983, Nordic People's Academy, 1984, and Turku School of Economics, 1984; frequent lecturer for Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1980–. City of Vantaa, member of city council, 1985–; Finnish Red Cross, vice chair of international committee, 1992–93; Carelia Foundation, vice chair of administrative board, 2000; also affiliated with various Finnish businesses, including Finnish Science Center and Fortum.
MEMBER: European Association for Development Institutes, Finnish Society for Development Studies (vice chair, 1984–), Finnish United Nations Association (president, 1987–), Finland-South Africa Association (chair, 1995–97).
AWARDS, HONORS: British Council fellowship, 1975–78; literature award, President Urho Kekkonen Foundation, 1992; Vuoden liputtaja, Liputusyhdistys Siniristi ry, 2005.
(Editor, with R.H. Green and wife, Marja-Liisa Kiljunen) Namibia, viimeinen siirtomaa, Tammi (Hels-inki, Finland), 1980, translation published as Namibia: The Last Colony, Longman (London, England), 1981.
Finnish Aid in Progress: Premises and Practice of Official Development Assistance, Helsingen yliopiston Monistuspalvelu (Helsinki, Finland), 1983.
(Editor) Kampuchea: Decade of the Genocide, Zed Press (London, England), 1984.
Industrialisation in Developing Countries and Consequent Trade-Related Restructuring Constraints in Finland, Labour Institute for Economic Research (Helsinki, Finland), 1985.
(Editor, with Folke Sundman and Ilkka Taipale) Finnish Peace Making, Peace Union of Finland (Helsinki, Finland), 1987.
(Editor, with Jouko Vaananen) Youth and Conscription, International Peace Bureau (Geneva, Switzerland), 1987.
Changing Patterns in the International Division of Labour and the Implications for Finland, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex (Brighton, England), 1987.
The World Bank and World Poverty, University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland), 1988.
(Editor) Mini-NIEO: The Potential of Regional North-South Cooperation, University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland), 1989.
(Editor) Region-to-Region Cooperation between Developed and Developing Countries, Avebury (Aldershot, England), 1990.
(Editor, with R.M. Avakov) World Industrial Restructuring and North-South Cooperation, University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland), 1991.
Finland and the New International Division of Labour, Macmillan (London, England), 1992.
The European Constitution in the Making, CSPE (Brussels, Belgium), 2004.
A Constitution for the European Union, Parliament of Finland (Helsinki, Finland), 2005.
Contributor to books, including Underdeveloped Europe: Studies in Core-Periphery Relations, edited by D. Seers, B. Schaffer, and Marja-Liisa Kiljunen, Harvester, 1979; The Crisis of the European Regions, edited by D. Seers and K. Oestroem, Macmillan (London, England), 1983; Small States in Europe and Dependence, edited by Otmar Hoell, Austrian Institute for International Affairs, 1983; and European Development Assistance, edited by Olav Stokke, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 1984. Contributor to periodicals, including Development and Change and Cooperation and Conflict.
Other books have been published in Romania and Estonia.
(Editor) Rotusorron kahleissa (title means "In the Chains of Racial Discrimination"), Joensuu (Joensuu, Finland), 1975.
Alikehityksen maailma (title means "The Underdeveloped World"), Tammi (Helsinki, Finland), 1976.
80-luvun aluepolitiikan perusteet (title means "Premises for Regional Policy in the 1980s"), TTT (Helsinki, Finland), 1979.
(Editor, with Satu Lehtonen) Etelä-Afrikka ja me (title means "South Africa and Us"), EELAK, 1985.
Kolme maailmaa (title means "Three Worlds"), Helsinki University Press (Helsinki, Finland), 1989.
(Editor, with Satu Lehtonen) Musta-valkoinen Etelä-Afrikka (title means "Black and White South Africa"), Kirjayhtymä (Helsinki, Finland), 1990.
Sinä ja maailman köyhät (title means "You and the Poor of the World"), WSOY (Helsinki, Finland), 1991.
(Editor) Sumalaisena YK: ssa (title means "The Finns in the United Nations"), Gummerus (Helsinki, Finland), 1994.
Maailman maat ja liput (title means "World States and Flags"), Otava (Helsinki, Finland), 1995, revised edition, 2000.
Kansanedustajana Suomessa (title means "Being a Member of Parliament in Finland"), WSOY (Helsinki, Finland), 1998.
(With Satu Hassi and Sirpa Pietkäinen) Maapallohaaste (title means "Global Challenge"), Otava (Helsinki, Finland), 1999.
(Editor) Minun mielestäni Tarja Halonen (title means "My Opinion Tarja Halonen"), Lansimaen sosiali-demokraatit tuki ry (Helsinki, Finland), 2000.
Valtiot ja liput (title means "States and Flags"), Otava (Helsinki, Finland), 2002.
EU:n perustuslaki—Suomalaisena konventissa, Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Helsinki, Finland), 2004.
Euroopan unionin perustuslaki, Europe Information (Helsinki, Finland), 2005.
Contributor to periodicals.
Times Literary Supplement, March 5, 1982, review of Namibia: The Last Colony; September 14, 1984, review of Kampuchea: Decade of the Genocide.