Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti

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PERSONAL: Male. Education: University of Jyväskylä, M.Ed., 1982; Fuller Theological Seminary, M.A., 1989; Finnish Ministry of Education, teacher's certificate in adult education and certificate in educational administration, both 1995; University of Helsinki, Dr.Theol. (ecumenical theology and dogmatics), 1998, and postdoctoral study, 1999.

ADDRESSES: Offıce—Department of Systematic Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary, 135 North Oakland Ave., Pasadena, CA 91182. E-mail—vmk@fuller.edu.

CAREER: University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, research assistant, 1982-83, faculty secretary, 1983-87, lecturer in education, 1983-87; Finnish Christian Fellowship, Los Angeles, CA, part-time pastor, 1988; pastor of Full Gospel church in Jyväskylä, Finland, 1989-91; Full Gospel Bible College, Bangkok, Thailand, professor and academic dean, 1991-94; Iso Kirja-College, Keuruu, Finland, president and professor, 1994-2000; Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, associate professor of systematic theology, 2000—. ICI University, Dallas, TX, adjunct associate professor, 1996—; University of Helsinki, docent of ecumenics, 2000—. Visiting lecturer at colleges throughout Finland, 1983-87, and at Evangelical Theological Faculty, Croatia, 1989, University of Jaroslavl, Russia, 1991, (and founding member) Theological Institute of Sortavala, Russia, 1995—, Mission School for Arabs, Egypt, 1998, and elsewhere. International Charismatic Consultation on World Evangelization, member of advisory council, 1998—; Joint Working Group of World Council of Churches and Pentecostals, member, 1999—; World Council of Churches, member of ecclesiology and mission consultation, 1999—. Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, Collegeville, MN, resident scholar, 1997-98.

MEMBER: International Association of Mission Studies, European Pentecostal Theological Association, European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association, American Academy of Religion, American Missiological Society, Finnish Theological Society, Finnish College Association, Faith and Order (Finland), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ökumenische Forschung.

AWARDS, HONORS: International research fellow, Academy of Finland and fellow of Iso Kirja-Foundation, both 1997-98; grant from Research Center of the Lutheran Church in Finland, 1997.


Lapsi varttuu: Persoonallisuuden kehitys lapsuusvuosina (title means "The Growing Child: Personality Development in Childhood"), RV-Kirjat (Vantaa, Finland), 1985.

(With Leevi Launonen) Voit kasvaa ihmissuhteissa (title means "Growing in Human Relations"), RVKirjat (Vantaa, Finland), 1986.

(With Leevi Launonen) Kristitty nuori ja itsenäistymisen haasteet (title means "Christian Youth and the Challenge of Independence"), RVKirjat (Vantaa, Finland), 1988.

Rakkautta ja rajoja (title means "Love and Limits"), RV-Kirjat (Vantaa, Finland), 1990.

Vapauteen: Galatalaiskirjeen sanoma tänään (title means "Called to Freedom: The Message of Galatians Today"), RV-Kirjat (Vantaa, Finland), 1991.

(With Raili Väisänen and Mirjami Ylenius) Lapsityöntekijan käsikirja (title means "Handbook of the Christian Child Educator"), RV-Kirjat (Vantaa, Finland), 1992.

Maailmankansalaiset: Sinun vastuusi maailmasta (title means "World Class Citizens: Your Task in the World,"), AikaOy (Vantaa, Finland), 1995.

Spiritus ubi vult spirat: Pneumatology in RomanCatholic-Pentecostal Dialogue, 1972-1989, Luther-Agricola Society (Helsinki, Finland), 1998.

Ad ultimum terrae: Evangelization, Proselytism, andCommon Witness in the Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue, 1990-1997, Peter Lang (Frankfurt, Germany), 1999.

Kun Elämä Haastaa: Voimaa Jeremian kirjasta, AikaOy (Keuruu, Finland), 2001.

Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in Ecumenical,International, and Contextual Perspectives, Baker Academic Books (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002.

Ecclesiology: An Ecumenical, Historical, and Contextual Introduction, Inter-Varsity Press (Downers Grove, IL), 2002.

Toward a Pneumatological Theology: PentecostalPerspectives on Ecclesiology, Soteriology, and Theology of Mission, edited by Amos Yong, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 2002.

Christian Theology of Religions: An Introduction, Inter-Varsity Press (Downers Grove, IL), 2003.

Christology: A Global Introduction, Baker Academic Books (Grand Rapids, MI), 2003.

One with God: Salvation as Deification and Justification, Liturgical Press (Collegeville, MN), in press.

Contributor to books, including Spirit and Spirituality: Festschrift for Professor Russell Spittler, edited by Wonsuk Ma, Regnum Books (Irvine, CA), 2002; Theology between West and East: Honoring the Radical Legacy of Professor Dr. Jan M. Lochman, edited by Frank Macchia and Paul Chung, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 2002; Empowering the Asian Church for Mission, edited by Wonsuk Ma, Regnum Books (Irvine, CA), c. 2002; and (Re-)Connecting Spirituality and Social Justice, edited by W. William and D. Weaver-Zercher, 2003. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals in Finland, the United States, and elsewhere, including International Journal of Systematic Theology, Mission Studies, Midstream, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, One in Christ, Gregorianum, Ecumenical Trends, and Hyvä Sanoma. Assistant editor, Maailman Ääret (title means "The Ends of the Earth"), 1996—.

SIDELIGHTS: An associate professor of systematic theology who has studied both in his native Finland and in the United States, Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen has a knowledge of several languages. In addition to English and his native Finnish, Kärkkäinen speaks Swedish, German, Thai, Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, and several other European languages.



International Bulletin of Missionary Research, July, 2000, Gary B. McGee, review of Ad ultimum terrae: Evangelization, Proselytism, and Common Witness in the Roman Catholic Pentecostal Dialogue, 1990-1997, p. 139.

International Review of Mission, October, 2000, Jacques Matthey, review of Ad ultimum terrae, p. 615.

Library Journal, March 1, 2002, Graham Christian, review of Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective, p. 108.