Johnson, Marshall D. 1935-

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JOHNSON, Marshall D. 1935-

PERSONAL: Born November 15, 1935, in Middle River, MN; son of Ingvald (a farmer) and Bertha Sylvia (Maijala) Johnson; married Alice Joy Peterson, May 31, 1959; children: Nathan Erick, Catherine Florence, Jennifer Beth. Education: Augsburg College, B.A., 1957; University of Minnesota, graduate study, 1959-60; Augsburg Theological Seminary, B.Th., 1961; Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY, Th.D., 1966. Hobbies and other interests: Music, playing piano.

ADDRESSES: Offıce—Fortress Press, P.O. Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1209.

CAREER: Minister of American Lutheran Church; pastor in Bronx, NY, 1961-63; Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA, visiting instructor in New Testament studies, 1965-66; Wartburg College, Waverly, IA, assistant professor, 1966-71, associate professor, 1971-77, professor of religion, 1977-84; Augsburg Fortress Press, Minneapolis, MN, academic editor, 1984-90; Fortress Press, Minneapolis, editorial director, beginning 1990. University of Bergen, Fulbright lecturer, 1976.

MEMBER: Society of Biblical Literature, American Academy of Religion, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas.

AWARDS, HONORS: Rockefeller fellow, 1963-65.


The Purpose of the Biblical Genealogies, with Special Reference to the Setting of the Genealogies of Jesus, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1969.

(Editor) New Proclamation: Year C, Fortress Press (Minneapolis, MN), Volume 1: Advent through Holy Week, 2000, Volume 2: Easter through Pentecost, 2001.

Making Sense of the Bible: Literary Type as an Approach to Understanding, William B. Eerdmans Publisher (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002.

Contributor to Catholic Biblical Quarterly.

SIDELIGHTS: Marshall D. Johnson reads Norwegian, German, French, Koine Greek, and biblical Hebrew.



Journal of Theological Studies, April, 1991, David Catchpole, review of The Purpose of the Biblical Genealogies, with Special Reference to the Setting of the Genealogies of Jesus, p. 457.

Library Journal, January, 2002, Graham Christian, review of Making Sense of the Bible: Literary Type as an Approach to Understanding, p. 112.*

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