Henriques, Peter R.

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Henriques, Peter R.


Education: University of Virginia, Ph.D., 1971.




George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, from associate professor of history to professor emeritus. Has served as a lecturer on the History Channel, a consultant on A&E's Biography episode on George Washington, and a featured speaker for various lectures and seminars.


The American Ancestors of Jeffrey Barlow Henriques, Sr.: A Brief History of the Henriques, Barlow, and Wisner Families, P.R. Henriques, 1983.

Fairfax County Medical Society, 1884-1934: Early Years and Early Leaders, Fairfax County Medical Society (Fairfax, VA), 1984.

The Death of George Washington: He Died As He Lived, Mount Vernon Ladies' Association (Mount Vernon, VA), 2000.

Realistic Visionary: A Portrait of George Washington, University of Virginia Press (Charlottesville, VA), 2006.

Contributor to periodicals, including Northern Virginia Heritage and Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Editor, Northern Virginia Heritage. Member of editorial board, George Washington Papers and the Mount Vernon committee of George Washington Scholars.


Peter R. Henriques is a George Washington scholar who has written extensively about America's first president. In Realistic Visionary: APortrait of George Washington, he collects ten essays on different aspects of Washington's life, from history's attitude toward his having been a slave owner to his motivations for marrying the richest widow in the state of Virginia. "Writing in straightforward style free of scholastic hairsplitting, Henriques helps meet the current fascination with Washington," observed Gilbert Taylor in Booklist. Steve Goddard further remarked in his Steve Goddard's History Wire: "For a university press book, Realistic Visionary is uncommonly accessible and well-written. It deserves a place on the shelf next to books on Washington the general and statesman."



Booklist, March 15, 2006, Gilbert Taylor, review of Realistic Visionary: A Portrait of George Washington, p. 20.

Publishers Weekly, February 13, 2006, review of Realistic Visionary, p. 75.

Reference & Research Book News, August, 2006, review of Realistic Visionary.


American Press Institute Online,http://www.americanpressinstitute.org/ (November 28, 2006), brief biography of Peter R. Henriques.

Fathom,http://www.fathom.com/ (November 28, 2006), brief biography of Peter R. Henriques.

Steve Goddard's History Wire,http://www.historywire.com/ (July 6, 2006), Steve Goddard, review of Realistic Visionary.

University of Virginia Press Web site,http://www.upress.virginia.edu/ (November 28, 2006), brief biography of Peter R. Henriques.*

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Henriques, Peter R.

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