Hauser, Stuart T.

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Hauser, Stuart T.


Education: Antioch College, B.S., 1960; Harvard University, M.A., 1965; Yale University, M.D., 1966; Harvard University, Ph.D.; Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, diploma, 1978.


Office—Harvard Graduate School of Education, Appian Way, Cambridge, MA, 02138. E-mail—


Writer, psychiatrist, researcher, reviewer, and educator. Simmons College School of Social Work, Boston, MA, special lecturer, 1972-73; Harvard Medical school, Boston, instructor, 1972-74, assistant professor, 1974-78, associate professor, 1978-90, professor of psychiatry, 1990—; Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, Boston, member of faculty, 1978—; Boston University, Boston, senior research associate, psychology department, 1983-91, senior research fellow, 1991-96; Psychoanalytic Institute of New England East, Needham, MA, member of faculty, 1986; Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA, fellow, 1993-94; Harvard University Graduate School of Education, member of faculty, 1996—; Children's Studies at Harvard University, co-executive director, 1996-99; International Psychoanalytic Association, research training program, faculty member, London, England, 1997-2000, 2002—; University College London, 1998—, research training program, faculty member, 2004-05, head of faculty, 2006-07. Meninger Clinic, Topeka, KS, Mary Vorhees Visiting Professor, 2001; Norway Institute of Public Health, Division of Mental Health, visiting professor II, 2005—; Judge Baker Children's Center, Boston, MA, director, 1993-96, president, 1997-2004, trustee, 1996-2005. Member of board of directors of Psychoanalytic Couples and Family Institute of New England, 2004-07.

Massachusetts Mental Health Center, laboratory of social psychiatry, staff member, 1972-93; McLean Hospital, assistant psychiatrist, 1977-79, associate psychiatrist, 1979-90, research associate, 1992—; Joslin Diabetes Foundation, Diabetes Research and Treatment Center, Youth Development Project, director, 1978-83; Hall-Mercer Children's Center, associate attending child psychiatrist, 1982-90; Children's Hospital, staff member, 1996-2006, affiliate staff member, 2006—.


American Psychiatric Association (fellow, 1977; life fellow, 2002—), American College of Psychoanalysts (fellow, 1982), American College of Psychiatrists, Association for Clinical Psychosocial Research (fellow, 1989), American Psychopathological Association (fellow, 1996), American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Psychoanalytic Association, Boston Psychoanalytic Society, International Psychoanalytic Association, Society for Life History Research, National Council for Family Relations, Society for Research in Child Development, New York Academy of Sciences, Society for Research on Adolescence (president, 1996-98), International Study for the Study of Behavioral Development, Association for Clinical Psychosocial Research (president, 1986-88).


Perkins Scholarship Prize for Performance in the Basic Sciences of Medicine, Yale Medical School, 1964; Foundation's Fund grant, 1966-67; Harry C. Solomon Essay Prize, Massachusetts Mental Health Center, 1971; Research Scientist Development Award, National Institutes of Mental Health, 1972-82; Richard Schweiker Research Grant, American Diabetes Association, 1981; Research Scientist Award, National Institutes of Mental Health, 1984-94; Albert J. Solnit Award, for best paper in Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Volume 61, 2006.


Black and White Identity Formation, R.E. Krieger (Malabar, FL), 1983, 2nd edition, with Edie Kasendorf, 1983.

(With Sally I. Powers and Gil G. Noam) Adolescents and Their Families: Paths of Ego Development, Free Press (New York, NY), 1991.

(With Joseph P. Allen and Eve Golden) Out of the Woods: Tales of Resilient Teens, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 2006.

Contributor to books. Contributor to periodicals and journals, including Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Archives of General Psychiatry, Human Relations, Diabetes Care, Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, Child Development, Psychosomatic Medicine, Journal of Early Adolescence, Pediatric Psychology, Health Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Pediatrics, Psychiatry, American Psychologist, Journal of the American Psychoanalytical Association, International Journal of Behavioral Development, Parental Development, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, Development and Psychopathology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Harvard Review of Psychiatry, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Research in Human Development, Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, and Journal of Personality Assessment.

Member of editorial board of Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1977-91; Family Relations, 1983; Advances in Adolescent Development, 1985-92; Child Development, 1985-95; Development and Psychopathology, 1987-94; Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1988-91 and 1993-96; Journal of Adolescent Health Care, 1990-94; Journal of Family Psychology, 1990-92; Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 1990-95; Harvard Mental Health Letter, 1990-2001; Family Process, 1992-2003; International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1997-99; Journal of Adolescence, 1998—; Journal of Adolescent Research, 1998—; Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2000-03; International Journal of Applied PSA Studies, 2004—; and Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 2005—.

Journal of Mental Imagery, consulting editor, 1981-90; Journal of Adolescent Research, assistant editor, 1986—; Journal of Research on Adolescence, coeditor, 1990-96; Psychological Issues, editor, 1995-2001; Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, associate editor for research, 2003—.


Stuart T. Hauser is a prolific and active researcher, psychiatrist, and educator at Harvard University. He is a professor of psychology and member of Harvard's faculty of education as well as a professor of psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School. The author of numerous books and dozens of papers, journal articles, and other works, he has spent a career involved in researching and treating psychiatric issues, particularly as they affect adolescents and young people. He is involved in two prominent longitudinal studies of adolescents, one looking at the psychosocial issues of adolescent-onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and the other examining adolescent ego development in high school students and psychiatric patients, according to a biographer on the Harvard University, Graduate School of Education Web site. The latter study, already ongoing for twenty years and scheduled for a total of twenty-five years, looks at psychosocial development from adolescence to mid-adulthood in areas such as forming of close and romantic peer relationships, parenting, work relationships, and attachments with original family.

In Out of the Woods: Tales of Resilient Teens, Hauser and coauthors Joseph P. Allen and Eve Golden look carefully at the concept of resilience in profoundly mentally disturbed adolescents. Resilience, the ability to develop techniques and skills to understand, articulate, and overcome difficult circumstances, is not a universal trait. Among the sixty-seven individuals studied, fifty-eight were still severely troubled and leading difficult, unhappy lives. However, nine of the subjects had managed to overcome their problems and mature into relatively optimistic, trusting, well-functioning adults. In their study, Hauser and his coauthors focus on the factors that helped the nine successes develop and apply the resilience that helped them move beyond their troubles into happier lives. The authors "ask why resilient capacities develop in certain children, how they work and what we can do to nurture them. This liberating shift allows an imaginative drive into the psychological processes by which people can negotiate adversity," commented Terri Apter in the London Times. Based on extensive narratives and stories told by four of the participants over a period of twelve years, Hauser, Allen, and Golden search for the behaviors and adaptations that allow the adolescents to become resilient and reclaim their ability to function. Such elements as being able to recognize consequences of actions and developing the ability to plan for the future are identified as useful strategies for creating resilience. "There is nothing comfortable or predictable in the strategies of resilient teens," Apter reported. "They engage in many trials, and commit many errors, and suffer many self-generated setbacks; but, unlike the contrast group, they learn from the storms of adolescence, absorbing lessons in interpersonal psychology, in handling feelings, and in shaping their environment."



Adolescence, spring, 1992, review of Adolescents and Their Families: Paths of Ego Development, p. 236.

American Journal of Family Therapy, summer, 1992, Lori D. Sayre, review of Adolescents and Their Families, p. 191.

American Journal of Psychiatry, April, 1993, Alan E. Kazdin, review of Adolescents and Their Families, p. 665.

Booklist, February 15, 2006, Stephanie Zvirin, review of Out of the Woods: Tales of Resilient Teens, p. 21.

Choice, September, 2006, M.F. Russo, review of Out of the Woods, p. 167.

Library Journal, February 15, 2006, Lynne F. Maxwell, review of Out of the Woods, p. 138.

Nature, September 14, 2006, Ann S. Masten, review of Out of the Woods, p. 146.

New Scientist, August 12, 2006, Barbara Kiser, "Rebels with a Cause," review of Out of the Woods, p. 52.

Reference & Research Book News, August, 1991, review of Adolescents and Their Families, p. 20.

Science News, May 20, 2006, review of Out of the Woods, p. 319.

Social Science Quarterly, September, 1992, Herbert Barry, review of Adolescents and Their Families, p. 716.

Times (London, England), July 19, 2006, Terri Apter, "Teen Genes," review of Out of the Woods.

Times Literary Supplement, July 21, 2006, Terri Apter, "The Bounce: What We Can Learn from Troubled Teenagers Who Get Back on Track," review of Out of the Woods, p. 3.


Harvard University, Graduate School of Education Web site, (January 17, 2007), biography of Stuart Hauser.

Judge Baker Children's Center Web site, (January 17, 2007), biography of Stuart Hauser.

Metapsychology, (January 17, 2007), Leo Uzych, review of Out of the Woods.