Harper, Jean 1958–

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Harper, Jean 1958–

PERSONAL: Born 1958; married, 1989; divorced; married, 1993. Education: Earlham College, B.A.; Emerson College, M.F.A.

ADDRESSES: Home—Richmond, IN. Office—Department of English, University of Indiana East, Whitewater Hall, Rm. 280, 2325 Chester Blvd., Richmond, IN 47374. E-mail—jeharper@indiana.edu.

CAREER: Indiana University East, Richmond, assistant professor; also worked in a greenhouse in Indiana in 1992.


Rose City: A Memoir of Work, Mid-List Press (Minneapolis, MN), 2005.

Contributor to Iowa Review, Living Forge Journal, and Cimarron Review.

SIDELIGHTS: Jean Harper's memoir, titled Rose City: A Memoir of Work, refers to Richmond, Indiana, where Harper once worked in a greenhouse. This is where the memoir begins before branching off into stories of love and loss. A reviewer in Publishers Weekly was impressed by the use of a second-person narrator, calling Harper a "sophisticated stylist." Carol Haggas in Booklist believed that Harper's "elegiac and eloquent narrative is a beacon of pure, clear light."



Harper, Jean, Rose City: A Memoir of Work, Mid-List Press (Minneapolis, MN), 2005.


Booklist, October 1, 2005, Carol Haggas, review of Rose City, p. 19.

Los Angeles Times, December 11, 2005, review of Rose City, p. 2.

Publishers Weekly, August 1, 2005, review of Rose City, p. 58.


Mid-List Press Web site, http://www.midlist.org/ (March 30, 2006), author biography.

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