Harper, Jo

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HARPER, Jo. American, b. 1932. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Children's non-fiction, Young adult non-fiction. Career: Librarian at a junior high school in Plainview, TX, 1951-52; first-grade teacher for Spanish-speaking children, Plainview, 1959-60; high school teacher of English, Spanish, and humanities, Plainview, 1964-68; Texas A&I University, Kingsville, instructor in English, 1968-70; Rockingham Community College, Wentworth, NC, instructor in English and Spanish, 1971-77; Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, assistant professor of English and Spanish, and foreign student adviser, 1977-80; Texas Southern University, Houston, director of intensive English for foreign students, 1980-84; University of Houston, Houston, lecturer in English, 1984-96; Spring Branch Education Center, Houston, teacher of English to at-risk high school students, 1996-99. Publications: PICTURE BOOKS: Pals, Potions, and Pixies: Family Songbook, 1988; Caves and Cowboys: Family Song Book, 1988; Jalapeno Hal, 1993; Outrageous, Bodacious Boliver Boggs!, 1996; Deaf Smith: Scout, Spy, Texas Hero, 1996; Bigfoot Wallace: Texas Ranger and Mier Survivor, 1997; The Legend of Mexicatl, 1998; Prairie Dog Pioneers, 1998; Ollie Jolly, Rodeo Clown, 2002; Mayor Jalapeno Hal, 2003; Finding Daddy, 2004. OTHER: Delfino's Journey (young adult novel), 2001; Wilma Rudolph (middle grade biography), 2004. Contributor to magazines and newspapers. Address: 1605 Huge Oaks, Houston, TX 77055, U.S.A. Online address: joharper@juno.com

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