Harley, Willard F., Jr. 1941-
HARLEY, Willard F., Jr. 1941-
PERSONAL: Born September 6, 1941, in Philadelphia, PA; son of Willard F. (a psychologist and professor) and Rita (a social worker and elementary schoolteacher; maiden name, Fels) Harley; married Joyce Shander (a radio talk show producer and hostess), December 15, 1962; children: Jennifer Harley Chalmers, Steven Willard. Ethnicity: "White." Education: University of California—Santa Barbara, Ph.D. Religion: Protestant. Hobbies and other interests: Genealogical research, history, science.
ADDRESSES: Home—12568 Ethan Ave. N., White Bear Lake, MN 55110; fax: 612-429-0253. E-mail— bharley@marriagebuilders.com.
CAREER: Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA, chair of psychology department, 1968-71; Bethel College and Seminary, St. Paul, MN, professor of psychology, 1972-77; Harley Clinics of Minnesota, president, 1976-93; Marriage Builders, St. Paul, president, 1993—. Producer of self-help recordings, including the albums Learning to Meet the Marital Needs of Men, 1989, and (under name Bill Harley) Big, Big World 1993.
MEMBER: American Psychological Association.
Get Growing, Christian!, D. C. Cook Publishing (Elgin, IL), 1975.
His Needs, Her Needs, Fleming H. Revell (Old Tappan, NJ), 1986, 15th anniversary edition published as His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 2001.
Marriage Insurance, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 1988.
Love Busters, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 1992, 2nd edition published as Love Busters: Overcoming Habits That Destroy Romantic Love, 1997, revised edition, 2002.
Five Steps to Romantic Love: A Workbook for Readers of "Love Busters" and "His Needs, Her Needs," Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 1994, revised edition, 2002.
Give and Take: The Secret to Marital Compatibility, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 1996.
Your Love and Marriage: Dr. Harley Answers YourMost Personal Questions, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 1997.
Four Gifts of Love: Preparing for Marriage That WillLast a Lifetime, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 1998.
(With daughter, Jennifer Harley Chalmers) Surviving an Affair, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 1998.
Fall in Love, Stay in Love, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 2001.
I Cherish You: Words of Wisdom from "His Needs,Her Needs," Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002.
Buyers, Renters, and Freeloaders: Turning Revolving-Door Romance into Lasting Love, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002.
His Needs, Her Needs for Parents: Keeping RomanceAlive, Fleming H. Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 2003.
Harley's books have been published in eighteen foreign languages.
SIDELIGHTS: Willard F. Harley, Jr. once told CA: "I have spent most of my professional life saving marriages. At first it was an avocation, while I was teaching psychology, but eventually it took enough of my time to turn into a full-time career. Each book I write is an outgrowth of my experience solving a particular marital problem.
"My counseling experience involves direct contact with more than 10,000 couples. Even now I have an opportunity to interact with thousands more over the Internet through my Web site, marriagebuilders.com. It is one of the most popular sites on marriage on the Internet.
"Both of my children are professional marriage counselors who work with me full time."
Library Journal, August, 2002, Douglas C. Lord, review of Buyers, Renters, and Freeloaders: Turning a Revolving-Door Romance into Lasting Love,
p. 122.
Marriage Builders: Building Marriages to Last a Lifetime,http://www.marriagebuilders.com/ (May 16, 2004).