Hall, Simon 1976–

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Hall, Simon 1976–

(S.D. Hall)


Born 1976. Education: University of Sheffield, M.A., 1998; graduate study at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, University of Wisconsin at Madison, and Yale University.


Office—School of History, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England. E-mail—s.d.hall@leeds.ac.uk.


Writer, educator. Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, temporary lecturer; University of Leeds, Leeds, England, senior lecturer in American history, 2003—.


Peace and Freedom: The Civil Rights and Antiwar Movements of the 1960s, University of Pennsylvania Press (Philadelphia, PA), 2005.

Contributor, under name S.D. Hall, to journals, including Journal of American Studies, Historical Journal, and Journal of Black Studies.


Simon Hall has served as a senior lecturer in American history at the University of Leeds in England since 2003. His research interests focus on the postwar social and political history of the United States, especially the civil rights and radical student movements.

In his book Peace and Freedom: The Civil Rights and Antiwar Movements of the 1960s, Hall examines the uneasy relationship between the two primary social movements of the 1960s. He chronicles how many younger members of the civil rights movement opposed the Vietnam War on racial grounds. But the more established activists did not oppose the war, and they were not interested in working jointly with antiwar activists despite the two groups having some areas of political agreement. Writing in Cultural and Social History, Dianne Kirby called Peace and Freedom "a book that will be welcomed by all students and teachers of American history, politics and culture." Michael Ezra of the Journal of African American History found the book to be "a welcome addition to the scholarly literature on the 1960s social movements." Gerald C. Horne of the Journal of Southern History concluded: "This is an important book on an important topic."



Cultural and Social History, July, 2007, Dianne Kirby, review of Peace and Freedom: The Civil Rights and Antiwar Movements of the 1960s, p. 424.

Journal of African American History, spring, 2007, Michael Ezra, review of Peace and Freedom, p. 310.

Journal of Southern History, May, 2006, Gerald C. Horne, review of Peace and Freedom, p. 521.


University of Leeds Web site,http://www.leeds.ac.uk/ (May 12, 2008), biography of Hall.

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