Hall, Thor
HALL, Thor
HALL, Thor. American (born Norway), b. 1927. Genres: Theology/Religion, Translations. Career: LeRoy A. Martin Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 1972-94, emeritus, 1994. Assistant Professor of Preaching and Theology, 1962-68, and Associate Professor, 1968-72, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Publications: (ed.) The Unfinished Pyramid, Ten Sermons by Charles P. Bowles, D.D., 1967; A Theology of Christian Devotion, 1969, 1972; A Framework for Faith, 1970; The Future Shape of Preaching, 1971, 1973; Whatever Happened to the Gospel?, 1973; Advent-Christmas, 1975; Directory of Systematic Theologians in North America, 1977; Anders Nygren, 1978, 1985, repr. 1991; Systematic Theology Today, 1978; The Evolution of Christology, 1982; Pentecost 1, 1991. Translator of 4 books. Address: 1102 Montvale Circle, Signal Mountain, TN 37377, U.S.A. Online address: thorhall1@msn.com