Goudie, Andrew 1945-

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GOUDIE, Andrew 1945-

(Andrew S. Goudie, Andrew Shaw Goudie)

PERSONAL: Born August 21, 1945, in Cheltenham, England; son of William Cooper (a pharmacist) and Mary Isobel (Pulman) Goudie; married Heather Ann Giles, March 21, 1987; children: Amy Louise, Alice May. Education: Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1970, Ph.D., 1971. Religion: Christian. Hobbies and other interests: Collecting old books and gramophone records, gardening.

ADDRESSES: Home—10 Wellington Sq., Oxford, England. Office—St. Cross College, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3LZ, England. E-mail—andrew.goudie@stx.ox.ac.uk.

CAREER: Oxford University, St. Edmund Hall and Hertford College, Oxford, England, lecturer and demonstrator in geography, 1970–76, fellow of Hertford College, 1976–84, professor of geography, 1984–2003, head of department, 1984–94, 2002–, pro-vice-chancellor and president of university development program, 1995–98, master of St. Cross College, and lecturer at School of Geography and the Environments, 2003–. Nuclear Electric Plc., London, England, non-executive director, 1990–93. Member of Institute of British Geographers, 1970–; chair, British Geomorphological Research Group.

MEMBER: International Association of Geomorphologists (president), Royal Geographical Society (fellow; vice president, 1988–91), Geographical Association (president, 1993–94), Geographical Club.

AWARDS, HONORS: Royal Medal, Royal Geographical Society, 1991; D.Sc., Oxford University, 2002; Royal Belgian Academy prize, 2002.



Duricrusts of Tropical and Sub-Tropical Landscapes, Clarendon Press (Oxford, England), 1973.

Environmental Change, Clarendon Press (New York, NY), 1977, third edition, 1992.

(With John Wilkinson) The Warm Desert Environment, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1977.

The Prehistory and Paleo-geography of the Great Indian Desert, Academic Press (New York, NY), 1978.

(With Andrew Watson) Desert Geomorphology, Macmillan (London, England), 1980, updated edition (with Andrew Warren and Ron Cooke), UCL Press (London, England), 1993.

The Human Impact: Man's Role in Environmental Change, Basil Blackwell (Oxford, England), 1981, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 1982, revised edition published as The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, 1986, sixth edition, Blackwell (Malden, MA), 2005.

(With Denys Brunsden) Classic Coastal Landforms of Dorset, Geographical Association (Sheffield, England), 1981.

Geomorphological Techniques, Allen & Unwin (Boston, MA), 1981, new edition, 1991.

Chemical Sediments and Geomorphology: Precipitates and Residua in the Near-Surface Environment, Academic Press (New York, NY), 1983.

The Nature of the Environment: An Advanced Physical Geography, Basil Blackwell (New York, NY), 1984, fourth edition, 2001.

(With Rita Gardner) Discovering Landscape in England and Wales, Allen & Unwin (Boston, MA), 1985, second edition, 1992.

(Editor, with Michael F. Thomas) Dambos, Small Channelless Valleys in the Tropics: Characteristics, Formation, Utilisation, Borntraeger (Berlin, Germany), 1985.

(Editor, with others) The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physical Geography, Blackwell (New York, NY), 1985, third edition published as The Dictionary of Physical Geography, Blackwell (Malden, MA), 2000.

The Land Forms of England and Wales, Basil Blackwell, 1990.

Techniques for Desert Reclamation, Wiley (New York, NY), 1990.

A Bibliography of Pans and Related Deposits, Rand Afrikaans University Press (Johannesburg, South Africa), 1990.

Environmental Change, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1992.

(Editor, with Alisdair Rogers and wife, Heather Viles) The Student's Companion to Geography, Basil Blackwell (Cambridge, MA), 1992.

(Editor, with Rita Gardner) Helmut Blume, Colour Atlas of the Surface Forms of the Earth, translated by Björn Wygrala, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 1992.

(With Rita Gardner) Discovering Landscape in England and Wales, Chapman & Hall (London, England), 1992.

(With Denys Brundsen) The Environment of the British: An Atlas, Clarendon Press (Oxford, England), 1994.

The Changing Earth: Rates of Geomorphological Processes, Blackwell (Cambridge, MA), 1995.

(Editor, with W. M. Adams and A. R. Orme) The Physical Geography of Africa, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1996.

The Geomorphology of the Cotswolds, Cotswold Naturalists' Field Club, 1996.

(Editor) The Human Impact Reader: Readings and Case Studies, Blackwell (Cambridge, MA), 1997.

Climate, Phoenix (London, England), 1997.

(With wife, H. A. Viles) Salt Weathering Hazard, Wiley (New York, NY), 1997.

(With H. A. Viles) The Earth Transformed: An Introduction to Human Impacts on the Environment, Blackwell (Malden, MA), 1997.

(With Denys Brundsen) The East Dorset Coast, Geographical Association, 1997.

(With Denys Brundsen) The West Dorset Coast, Geographical Association, 1997.

The Future of Climate, Phoenix (London, England), 1997.

(Editor, with Ian Livingstone and Stephen Stokes) Aeolian Environments, Sediments, and Landforms, Wiley (New York, NY), 1999.

(Editor, with David S. G. Thomas) The Dictionary of Physical Geography, Blackwell (Malden, MA), 2000.

(Editor, with David J. Cuff) Encyclopedia of Global Change: Environmental Change and Human Society, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 2000.

Great Warm Deserts of the World: Landscape and Evolution, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 2002.

(Editor) Encyclopedia of Geomorphology, Routledge (New York, NY), 2003.

Arid Lands Geomorphology, Routledge (New York, NY), 2004.

Contributor to books, including Geomorphological Hazards in High Mountain Areas, edited by J. Kalvoda and C. L. Rosenfeld, Kluwer; Expedition Planner's Handbook and Directory 1993–4, edited by N. McWilliam and S. Winser, Royal Geographical Society, 1992; The Changing Global Environment, edited by N. Roberts, Blackwell, 1994; Engineering Characteristics of Arid Soils, edited by P. G. Fookes and R. H. G. Parry, Balkema (Rotterdam, Netherlands), 1994; Environmental Change in Deserts, edited by K. Pye and A. Millington, Wiley (Chichester, England), 1994; The Population of Britain in the 1990s: A Social and Economic Atlas, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1996; The Geography of South Africa in a Changing World, edited by K. Rowntree and R. Fox, Oxford University Press (Cape Town, South Africa), 2000; Reflective Practice in Geography Teaching, edited by A. Kent, Paul Chapman (London, England), 2000; and Desertification in the Third Millennium, edited by A. L. Alsharhan and others, 2003. Contributing editor to Geomorphological Techniques, Unwin Hyman, 1990. Contributor to professional journals, including Geography, Journal of Arid Environments, Annals of the Arid Zone, Geomorphology, Geographers Bibliographical Studies, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Earth-Science Reviews, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geografiska Annaler, Geographical Journal, Radiation Measurements, Progress in Physical Geography, Quatenary Newsletter, and South African Geographical Journal.

WORK IN PROGRESS: The fourth volume of The History of the Study of Landforms. Research on the landforms and history of deserts.

SIDELIGHTS: Andrew Goudie is the author of numerous books on geography, the environment, and climate change. His study titled The Human Impact: Man's Role in Environmental Change, later updated as The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, is used around the world as a textbook on the relationships between humans and their world. In nine chapters, the author presents the evolution of ideas about these relationships and gives illustrations of how man has made an impact on vegetation, animal populations, soil and water, and even the very climate and atmosphere of the earth. He points out that pre-industrial societies, as well as modern society, brought about major changes to their environment, through grazing and other agricultural activities. Chris Park, reviewing the book in the Quarterly Review of Biology, referred to The Human Impact as the standard by which similar books must be judged, and praised Goudie for his ability to write "with great clarity and insight across a huge breadth of subject matter." Arthur Morris, a reviewer for Geographical Journal, noted that although the range of subject matter is large, the organization of the book is simple and easy to use. BioScience writer Paul G. Risser further commented, "The strength of this book is the rich array of examples and the explanations that are almost always clearly presented."

Goudie also edited a companion volume, The Human Impact Reader: Readings and Case Studies, which complements his text with essays and selections from other writers and researchers. Thomas Fletcher, a reviewer for Electronic Green Journal, noted that Goudie does not address the policymaking issues raised by his research, but added that Human Impact on the Natural Environment and The Human Impact Reader "are packed with useful information and must-reads for anyone interested in how we interact with the environment."

Goudie and David J. Cuff collaborated to edit the comprehensive Encyclopedia of Global Change: Environmental Change and Human Society. This encyclopedia contains 321 articles on changes to the global environment, both natural and manmade. They are analyzed "thoroughly and dispassionately," according to Marion S. Muskiewicz in the Reference and User Services Quarterly. There are biographies of key figures, explanations of terms such as "acid rain" and "Gaia hypothesis," and entries on key environmental policies, such as the Kyoto Protocol on global warming. Muskiewicz reported that many of the articles are "extremely long" and full of insights from "expert authors," including internationally respected scientists and researchers. Eva Lautemann, reviewing the book for Library Journal, found it mostly geared towards academic users, but commented that it is "unique, useful, and well-researched."



American Antiquity, October, 1985, review of Environmental Change, p. 917; January, 1995, Bruce G. Gladfelter, review of Environmental Change, p. 163.

American Reference Books Annual, review of The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physical Geography, p. 158.

Antioch Review, spring, 1983, review of The Human Impact: Man's Role in Environmental Change, p. 251.

BioScience, March, 1991, Paul G. Risser, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 173.

Booklist, June 15, 1986, review of The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physical Geography, p. 1514.

Bookwatch, October, 1990, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 4.

British Book News, September, 1981, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 527; March, 1984, review of The Nature of the Environment, Geomorphological Techniques, Environmental Change, and Chemical Sediments and Geomorphology: Precipitates and Residua in the Near-Surface Environment, p. 141, review of Desert Geomorphology, p. 142; September, 1985, review of Discovering Landscape in England and Wales, p. 543.

Choice, March, 1978, review of The Warm Desert Environment, p. 124; June, 1978, review of Environmental Change, p. 573; September, 1982, review of The Human Impact, p. 118; March, 1986, review of The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physical Geography, p. 1037; March, 1991, review of Landforms of England and Wales, p. 1166; January, 2001, J. A. Coombs, review of The Dictionary of Physical Geography, p. 882; April, 2002, J. C. Stachacz, review of Encyclopedia of Global Change, p. 1396.

Earth Science, March, 1978, review of Environmental Change, p. 89.

Economic Books: Current Selections, December, 1987, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 76.

Environment, November, 2004, "Kicking up Saharan Storms," p. 6.

Geographical Journal, November, 1978, review of The Warm Desert Environment, p. 509; November, 1979, review of Environmental Change, p. 486; July, 1982, review of Geomorphological Techniques, p. 251; November, 1982, review of The Human Impact, p. 378; July, 1985, review of The Nature of the Environment, p. 266; March, 1986, review of Discovering Landscape in England and Wales, p. 92; March, 1991, review of The Nature of the Environment, p. 106; March, 1992, review of Techniques for Desert Reclamation, p. 99; March, 1999, review of The Human Impact Reader, p. 108; July, 1999, Sue McLaren, review of Salt Weathering Hazards, p. 234, review of The Earth Transformed, p. 236; September, 2001, Arthur Morris, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 286.

Geography, January, 1993, Murray Gray, review of Environmental Change: Contemporary Problems in Geography, p. 93; April, 1993, Alan M. Hay, review of The Student's Companion to Geography, p. 223, G. A. Metcalfe, review of Discovering Landscape in England and Wales, p. 230; July, 1993, David J. Nash, review of Desert Geomorphology, p. 333.

Journal of Historical Geography, January, 1983, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 103.

Library Journal, April 1, 1982, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 738; March 1, 1983, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 446; February 15, 2002, Eva Lautemann, review of Encyclopedia of Global Change: Environmental Change and Human Society, p. 135.

Nature, January 14, 1982, review of Geomorphological Techniques; March 7, 1985, review of The Nature of the Environment, p. 26; October 4, 1990, review of Geomorphological Techniques, p. 436; May 27, 1993, Ken Pye, review of Desert Geomorphology, p. 313; February 8, 1996, David R. Montgomery, review of The Changing Earth: Rates of Geomorphological Process, p. 504.

New Scientist, February 19, 1994, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 42; March 21, 1998, review of The Earth Transformed, p. 48; January 16, 1998, review of Climate, p. 43.

New Statesman, January 16, 1998, review of Climate, p. 43.

New Technical Books, March, 1991, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 309.

New Zealand Geographer, October, 1998, C. C. Smart, review of The Earth Transformed, p. 51; October, 2001, Hamish A. McGowan, review of The Dictionary of Physical Geography, p. 51.

Observer (London, England), December 14, 1997, review of Climate, p. 18.

Professional Geographer, August, 1993, Robert W. Morrill, review of The Student's Companion to Geography, p. 381; November, 1998, Ezekiel Kalipeni, review of The Physical Geography of Africa, p. 531.

Quarterly Review of Biology, June, 1991, review of Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 229; December, 2001, Chris Park, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 517.

Reference and Research Book News, June, 1989, review of Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physical Geography, p. 7.

Reference and User Services Quarterly, summer, 2002, Marion S. Muskiewicz, review of Encyclopedia of Global Change, p. 389; spring, 2005, Suzanne T. Larsen, review of Encyclopedia of Geomorphology, p. 260.

School Librarian, September, 1981, review of Desert Geomorphology, p. 269.

Science Books and Films, September, 1978, review of The Warm Desert Environment, p. 107; November, 1982, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 63.

SciTech Book News, September, 1990, review of The Landforms of England and Wales, p. 1; October, 1990, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 2; January, 1995, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 2; April, 1995, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 2; March, 1999, review of Salt Weathering Hazard, p. 64.

Times Educational Supplement, March 29, 1985, The Nature of the Environment, p. 42; October 4, 1985, review of Discovering Landscape in England and Wales, p. 34; September 5, 1986, review of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 24; December 7, 1990, review of Desert Geomorphology, p. 49.

Times Higher Education Supplement, May 7, 1993, Paul J. Curran, review of The Student's Companion to Geography, p. 26; July 9, 1993, J. R. L. Allen, review of Desert Geomorphology, p. 20; March 7, 1997, Kathleen M. Baker, review of The Physical Geography of Africa, p. 26.

University Press Book News, September, 1990, The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, p. 12.


Electronic Green Journal, http://egj.lib.uidaho.edu/ (December, 2000), Thomas Fletcher, reviews of The Human Impact on the Natural Environment and The Human Impact Reader.

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