Freeman, Barbara M. 1947-
Freeman, Barbara M. 1947-
PERSONAL: Born July 7, 1947, in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada; daughter of Thomas S.A. (an engineer and business executive) and Marie L. (an artist; maiden name, Murphy) Freeman. Ethnicity: "Caucasian (Anglo-Irish)." Education: Carleton University, B.J., 1969, M.A., 1988; Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Ph.D., 1997.
ADDRESSES: Home—6 Windsor Ave., Ottawa, Ontario K1S 0W4, Canada. Office—School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada. E-mail—
CAREER: Evening Telegram, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, general news reporter, summers, 1967–68; Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (CBC), Ottawa, Ontario, television current affairs researcher, reporter, and editor, 1969–70; British Broadcasting Corp., London, England, subeditor for external radio services, 1970; Stratford and Newham Express, East London, England, police and municipal affairs reporter, 1971–72; CBC, radio and television general news reporter and editor in St. John's and Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada, 1972–74, television general news reporter and editor, and radio education and community affairs reporter and editor in Ottawa, 1974–78; KEY Radio, Ottawa, municipal affairs reporter, news reader, and editor, 1978–80; Carleton University, Ottawa, instructor, 1980–89, assistant professor, 1989–98, associate professor of journalism and history, 1998–; member of board of management, Institute of Women's Studies and School of Canadian Studies.
MEMBER: Canadian Media Historians Association, Canadian Committee on Women's History, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications, American Journalism Historians' Association.
Kit's Kingdom: The Journalism of Kathleen Blake Coleman, Carleton University Press (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), 1989.
The Satellite Sex: The Media and Women's Issues in English Canada, 1966–1971, Wilfrid Laurier University Press (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), 2001.
WORK IN PROGRESS: A manuscript on women journalists and equality issues in Canada, 1870–1970.
SIDELIGHTS: Barbara M. Freeman once told CA: "I am strongly committed to the inclusion of women's studies within journalism and mass communication. For me, Kathleen Blake Coleman was representative of women in journalism, today as well as in the nineteenth century, because of her conflicts. Now I research the more general areas of North American media history and women's history. My goal is to help fill the gender gaps in journalism and mass communication studies, especially the contributions of women journalists to female equality."
Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), January 27, 1990.