Franks, Clyda (Ruth) 1946-

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FRANKS, Clyda (Ruth) 1946-

PERSONAL: Born September 9, 1946, in Pawnee, OK; daughter of Clyde C. (a house painter) and Euladean R. (a postal worker and writer; maiden name, Lewis; later surname, Redman) Goodson; married Donald L. Reeves, May 14, 1965 (died September 22, 1994); married Kenny A. Franks (a writer and history teacher), July 16, 1996; children: (first marriage) Christopher West, Jason Andrew. Ethnicity: "Cherokee-Irish-French." Education: Reserve Peace Officers Academy, certified law officer; also studied interior design in Tulsa, OK. Politics: Republican.

ADDRESSES: Home—P.O. Box 5, Cleveland, OK 74020. Offıce—First National Bank of Pawnee, 601 Harrison St., P.O. Box 366, Pawnee, OK 74058; fax: 918-762-3517. E-mail—

CAREER: Cleveland American (newspaper), Cleveland, OK, editor, reporter, and photographer, 1980-92; First National Bank of Pawnee, Pawnee, OK, administrative assistant, 1992—. Pawnee Historical and Cultural Museum, director of public information and organizer of art shows, 1994—. Red Fork Community Improvement Organization, chair, 1968; Cleveland Area Chamber of Commerce, member of board of directors, 1989-92, president, 1992-93, member of industrial development committee, 1992-93; City of Cleveland, reserve police officer, 1994—; Pawnee Chamber of Commerce, member of Tourism Committee, 1994-95, treasurer, 1995-96; Pawnee County Sheriff's Department, reserve deputy sheriff, 1990-94; Law Enforcement Explorer Post, associate advisor, 1995-99.

MEMBER: International Reserve Law Officers Association, National Reserve Law Officers Association, National Association of Executive Secretaries, Oklahoma Bankers Association, Gilcrease Museum Association.

AWARDS, HONORS: Oklahoma Press Association, first place awards for news writing, 1988 and 1990, first place awards for feature writing, 1990 and 1991; outstanding service award, Cleveland Area Chamber of Commerce, 1989; first place awards, column writing contest, Oklahoma Press Association and Oklahoma Natural Gas Co., 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992; certificate of recognition, International Reserve Law Officers Association, 1992; American Police Hall of Fame, member, 1992—, Good Samaritan Award, 1995; named honorary chief, National Association of Chiefs of Police, 1995.


Tulsa, Oklahoma (nonfiction), Arcadia Publishing (Chicago, IL), 2000.

Author of more than thirty corporate histories. Contributor to books, including Historic Oklahoma, Lammert Publishers, 2000. Contributor of articles and reviews to magazines and newspapers, including Overdrive, Homelife, Oklahoma: Magazine of the Oklahoma Heritage Association, Oklahoma Today, Chronicles of Oklahoma, and Quiet Time Report. Contributing editor, Offıcer, 1993-95; book review editor, Oklahoma, 1996—.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Ponca City and the Kay County Oil Boomtowns, for Arcadia Publishing; entries for Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, publication by Oklahoma Historical Society expected in 2006; research on oil industry entrepreneur E. W. Marland, for Oklahoma Heritage Association.

SIDELIGHTS: Clyda Franks told CA: "Writing has always been a part of my life, beginning with my diary, then punishment themes at school (for talking)! My mother is a writer, and there were always books and a typewriter available in the house. I went into the newspaper business at age eighteen, eventually becoming editor of a small weekly newspaper in my hometown. I have written numerous humorous articles and columns; however, I began doing historical research and writing after marrying a husband who has a Ph.D. in history. Now I am 'hooked'!"

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