Ellenius, Allan 1927–

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Ellenius, Allan 1927–

(Allan M. Ellenius)


Born August 6, 1927, in Uppsala, Sweden; children: Johan, Sara. Ethnicity: "Swedish." Education: University of Uppsala, B.A., 1950, M.A., 1955, Ph.D., 1960.


Office—c/o Department of Art History, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail—allan.ellenius@telia.com.


Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden, assistant keeper, 1950, 1953, and 1954; University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, docent, 1960-61, reader, 1961-77, professor of art history, 1977-94, and department head. University of London, guest professor at Warburg Institute, 1970; visiting lecturer at University of Victoria, Australian National University, and at institutions throughout Scandinavia and in the United States, England, Germany, and Spain. European Science Foundation, team leader and editor of the project Origins of the Modern State in Europe, 1300-1800, 1989-98.


Académie Européenne des Sciences, des Arts, et des Lettres (Paris; fellow), Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala (fellow; president, 1999-2000), Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala (fellow), Royal Society of Humanities of Uppsala (fellow), Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy (fellow), Royal Academy of Letters, History, and Antiquities (fellow), Collegium curiosorum novum (fellow), Platonselskabet (fellow), Michaelisgillet (fellow).


Ahnlund Prize, Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy, 1996; Royal Academy of Letters, History, and Antiquities, gold medal, 1998, Rettigska priset, 2006; commander, Lion of Finland; grants from National Swedish Council of Research in the Humanities.


De Arte Pingendi: Latin Art Literature in Seventeenth-Century Sweden and Its International Background, Almquist & Wiksell (Stockholm, Sweden), 1960.

Karolinska bildidéer, Almquist & Wiksell (Stockholm, Sweden), 1966.

Den offentliga konsten och ideologierna: Studier över verk från 1800-och 1900-talen, Almquist & Wiksell (Stockholm, Sweden), 1971.

Linnaeus in Medal Art, 1978.

Bruno Liljefors, Carmina (Stockholm, Sweden), 1981.

(Editor) Bilden som källa till vetenskaplig information, Almquist & Wiksell (Stockholm, Sweden), 1990.

(Editor) Det Offentliga rummet: förfall och återupprättelse, Almquist & Wiksell (Stockholm, Sweden), 1992.

Philip von Schantz: Still Lifes, Stilleben, 1992.

Bruno Liljefors: Naturem som livsrum, Bonnier Alba (Stockholm, Sweden), 1996.

(Editor, with Hans Henrik Brummer) Naturen som livsrum: Ekologiska perspektive i modern litteratur och bildkonst, Natur och kultur (Stockholm, Sweden), 1997.

(Editor) Iconography, Propaganda, and Legitimation, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1998.

Philip von Schantz: Exploring the Landscape, Landskapet, 1999.

(Editor) Baroque Dreams: Art and Vision in Sweden in the Era of Greatness, Uppsala University Library (Uppsala, Sweden), 2003.

(With Gunnar Brusewitz) Olof Thunmans Uppland, Atlantis (Stockholm, Sweden), 2005.

Bruno Liljefors, Natur och kultur (Stockholm, Sweden), 2006.

Untranslated works include Engustaviansk medaljdebatt (title means "The Crisis of Emblematic Imagery in Medal Art of the Late Eighteenth Century"), 1963; Konstoch miljö från antik till nutid, 1973; Den atlantiska anatomin: Ur bildkonstens idéhistoria, 1984; and Landskapsbilden: Ur den europeiska naturkänslans historia, 1992. Contributor to books. Contributor to scholarly journals, including Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes.



American Historical Review, April, 2001, Richard A. Jackson, review of Iconography, Propaganda, and Legitimation, p. 632.

Medium Aevum, spring, 2001, James G. Clark, review of Iconography, Propaganda, and Legitimation, p. 172.

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