Druffel, Ann 1926-

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DRUFFEL, Ann 1926-


Born 1926, in Riverside, CA; daughter of William (a municipal automotive worker) and Aileen (a schoolteacher; maiden name, Walsh) McElroy; married Charles K. Druffel, January 24, 1953; children: Ellen R. M., Diana Lee Druffel Mauldin, Carolyn Jean Henry, Charlotte Bridget Druffel Bressler, Allis Ann. Ethnicity: "Celtic." Education: Immaculate Heart College, B.A.; graduate study at Catholic University of America. Politics: "Conservative/environmentalist." Religion: Roman Catholic. Hobbies and other interests: Scientifically related UFO research, psychic phenomena.


Home—257 Sycamore Glen, Pasadena, CA 91105. Agent—John White, 60 Pound Ridge Rd., Cheshire, CT 06410. E-mail—anndruffel@aol.com.


Social caseworker and therapist in Los Angeles, CA, for five years; freelance writer and researcher, 1957—. Mobius Society, researcher and consultant, 1985-92.


Mutual UFO Network (member of Los Angeles board of directors; investigator, 1980—), National Rifle Association, Numbers USA, California Rifle and Pistol Association.


The Tujunga Canyon Contacts, Prentice-Hall, 1980, revised edition, New American Library (New York, NY), 1988.

(With Armand Marcotte) Past Lives: Future Growth, ACS Publications (San Francisco, CA), 1984.

(With Armand Marcotte) The Psychic and the Detective, ACS Publications (San Francisco, CA), 1985.

How to Defend Yourself against Alien Abduction, Crown (New York, NY), 1998.

Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald's Fight for UFO Science, Wild Flower Press (Columbus, NC), 2003.

Author of "California Report" and "Skynet Log," regular columns in MUFON UFO Journal. Contributor of nearly 200 articles to periodicals, including Fate, Magnolia, Flying Saucer Review, International UFO Reporter, Skylook, Canadian UFO Report, Let's Live, and Journal of Scientific Exploration. Associate editor, MUFON UFO Journal.


Research to locate the lost grave of Irish patriot Robert Emmet.


Ann Druffel told CA: "I write because I am impelled to write, and because there are so many fascinating earth mysteries about which the human race needs and desires more information. I write because I have researched earth mysteries—UFOs, sacred sites, psychic phenomena—since 1957 and feel the need to share with others what I have been able to learn—my hypotheses and evidence.

"I write whenever the thoughts come to me—in the middle of the night, in the daytime, whenever I get the chance or an inspiration. I have written five books, two columns, nearly 200 articles, five monographs, and I am working on a sixth book.

"As a schoolgirl in 1945 I viewed an inexplicable object, possibly in orbit, which released numerous smaller objects that took varying paths out from the main object. It appeared about two weeks before the Hiroshima bombing, and its appearance coincided rather closely with the first experimental A-bomb exploded in New Mexico. This event triggered my lifelong interest in the UFO phenomenon, which began my writing career. Because of apparent relationships of UFO events with other earth mysteries—psychic functioning, ley lines, sacred sites, et cetera—I branched out into these fields. Because of my Irish background, I have also used psychic archaeology as a scientific process in searching for the lost grave of patriot Robert Emmet."

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