Castaneda, Eliza C. 1958–

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Castaneda, Eliza C. 1958–

PERSONAL: Born October 22, 1958, in Providence, RI; daughter of Gerald (a college professor) and Eliza Seely (an administrator; maiden name, Crosslen) Cross. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Northeastern Junior College, A.A.S., 1978.

ADDRESSES: Agent—c/o Author Mail, Globe Pequot Press, 246 Goose Lane, P.O. Box 480, Guilford, CT 06437. E-mail—

CAREER: Wiesner Publishing, Centennial, CO, vice president, 1985–2001; writer, 2001–. South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce, member of board of directors, 1996–99.

MEMBER: Slow Foods, International Food, Wine, and Travel Writers.


Food Lovers' Guide to Colorado, Globe Pequot Press (Guilford, CT), 2003.

Contributor to periodicals, including Mountain Living, Log and Timber Style, Denver Post, and Adoptive Families.

WORK IN PROGRESS: A "culinary novel."

SIDELIGHTS: Eliza C. Castaneda told CA: "For twenty years, I pursued a challenging and rewarding career in magazine publishing. I worked for a supportive company, had great colleagues, and did work that I enjoyed. But as I spent more time writing on the side as an avocation, I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that a new dream was calling me.

"I had many fears and doubts about leaving the comfort of my secure paycheck, great benefits, and a career that had become a huge part of my identity. But one morning in August of 2001, I woke up with such a great sense of certainty that I was to take the next step that I gave my notice at work. Two weeks later, our lives were forever changed by the events of 9/11. I felt many emotions that week, but I had no doubt that I had made the right decision to follow my dream and pursue a career that would let me spend more time with my family.

"Since then, the journey has been exhilarating. Three weeks after I left the publishing company, I signed a contract with the Globe Pequot Press to write Food Lovers' Guide to Colorado. I am now in the final stages of completing a manuscript for a book that weaves a story around an old family recipe book. I have been writing this book for several years, and because it contains a number of stories and recipes from my own extended family, it is near and dear to my heart."

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