Carter, Brian S. 1957-
Carter, Brian S. 1957-
PERSONAL: Born April 12, 1957, in La Mesa, CA; son of Arthur Robert (in U.S. Navy) and Dolores (a homemaker) Carter; married Angela Powell (a nurse), June 4, 2005; children: Sean, Yvonne, Jacquelyn, Rebecca Ewing. Ethnicity:“Caucasian.”Education: Attended U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 1975-76; David Lipscomb College, B.S., 1979; University of Tennessee, M.D., 1983. Religion: Christian. Hobbies and other interests: Running, reading, music, fly fishing.
ADDRESSES: Home— Nashville, TN. Office— Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, Vanderbilt University, 11111 Doctor’s Office Tower, Nashville, TN 37232-9544. E-mail—
CAREER: U.S. Army, Medical Corps, 1983-96, leaving service as lieutenant colonel; Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, associate professor, 1996-99; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, professor of pediatrics, 1999—. University of Colorado, Denver, assistant professor, 1991-94. Military service: U.S. Army Reserve, 1979-83; received Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal.
MEMBER: American Academy of Pediatrics, National Perinatal Association, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Southern Society for Pediatric Research.
AWARDS, HONORS: Research support from National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2003.
Palliative Care for Infants, Children, and Adolescents: A Practical Handbook, Johns Hopkins University Press (Baltimore, MD), 2004.
SIDELIGHTS: Brian S. Carter told CA that his writing is inspired by “my experiences in dealing with critically ill children and their parents.”