Carter, Ashton B.
CARTER, Ashton B.
CARTER, Ashton B. American, b. 1954. Genres: Military/Defense/Arms control. Career: Affiliated with the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, DC, 1981-82; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, research fellow, 1982-84; Harvard University, Cambridge, assistant professor, 1984-86, associate professor of public policy, 1986-88; Harvard University Center for Science and International Affairs, associate director and professor, 1988-90, director and professor of science and international affairs, 1990-. Publications: (ed. with D.N. Schwartz, and contrib.) Ballistic Missile Defense, 1984; Directed Energy Missile Defense in Space, 1984; (ed. with J. Steinbruner and C.A. Zraket, and contrib.) Managing Nuclear Operations, 1987; Ashton B. Carter on Arms Control, 1990; (with K. Campbell and others) Soviet Nuclear Fission, 1991; (with J. Alic and others) Beyond Spinoff: Military and Commercial Technologies in a Changing World, 1992; New Thinking and American Defense Technology, 1993; Preventive Defense, 1999; Keeping the Edge, 2001. Contributor to anthologies and scholarly journals. Address: Belter Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Littauer 374, 79 John F. Kennedy St, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Online address: