Calleo, David P(atrick) 1934-

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CALLEO, David P(atrick) 1934-

PERSONAL: Born July 19, 1934, in Binghamton, NY; son of Patrick and Gertrude (Crowe) Calleo; married Avis Thayer Bohlen. Education: Yale University, B.A. (magna cum laude), 1955, M.A., 1957, Ph.D., 1959.

ADDRESSES: Home—626 A St. NE, Washington, DC 20002. Office—Department of European Studies, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, 1740 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036-1984; fax: 202-663-5784. E-mail—dcalleo@sais-jhu. edu.

CAREER: Brown University, Providence, RI, instructor in political science, 1959-60; Yale University, New Haven, CT, began as instructor, became assistant professor of political science, 1961-67; U.S. Department of State, consultant to undersecretary for political affairs, 1967-68; Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, DC, professor and director of European Studies Program, beginning 1968, Dean Acheson chair, beginning 1988, research associate of Washington Center of Foreign Policy Research, 1968-79, director of the center, 1974-75. Oxford University, research fellow of Nuffield College, 1966-67; senior Fulbright lecturer in Germany, 1975; Yale University, associate fellow, John Edwards College and trustee of Jonathan Edwards Trust. Twentieth Century Fund, project director, 1981-85; Lehrman Institute, vice president and member of board of trustees; Washington Foundation for European Studies, president and trustee. Military service: U.S. Army Reserve, 1956-65; became captain.

MEMBER: International Institute for Strategic Studies, Council on Foreign Relations, American Political Science Association, Century Association, Metropolitan Club of Washington, DC, Brook's Club (London).

AWARDS, HONORS: Gladys M. Kammerer Award for best book analyzing American national policy, American Political Science Association, 1973, for America and the World Political Economy; Fulbright fellowship, 1982; fellow of North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1983; fellowships from Rockefeller Foundation, Guggenheim Foundation, and Social Science Research Council.


Europe's Future: The Grand Alternatives, Horizon Press (New York, NY), 1965.

Coleridge and the Idea of the Modern State, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 1966.

Europe's Future, Hodder & Stoughton (London, England), 1967.

Britain's Future, Horizon Press (New York, NY), 1968.

The Atlantic Fantasy, Johns Hopkins University Press (Baltimore, MD), 1970.

(With Benjamin M. Rowland) America and the World Political Economy, Indiana University Press (Bloomington, IN), 1974.

(Editor, with Harold van B. Cleveland, Charles P. Kindleberger, and Lewis E. Lehrman, and contributor) Money and the Coming World Order, New York University Press (New York, NY), 1976.

The German Problem Reconsidered: Germany in the World Order, 1870 to the Present, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1978.

The Imperious Economy, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 1982.

Beyond American Hegemony: The Future of the Western Alliance, Basic Books (New York, NY), 1987.

(Editor, with Claudia Morgenstern) Recasting Europe's Economies: National Strategies in the 1980s, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 1990.

NATO: Reconstruction or Dissolution?, Foreign Policy Institute, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (Washington, DC), 1992.

The Bankrupting of America: How the Federal Budget Is Impoverishing the Nation, Morrow (New York, NY), 1992.

(Editor, with Philip Gordon) From the Atlantic to the Urals: National Perspectives on the New Europe, Seven Locks (Cabin John, MD), 1992.

Europe and World Order after the Cold War, Old Dominion University (Norfolk, VA), 1996.

(Editor, with Eric R. Staal) Europe's Franco-German Engine, Brookings Institution Press (Washington, DC), 1998.

Rethinking Europe's Future, Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 2001, new edition, with afterword by the author, 2003.

Contributor to numerous books, including Retreat from Empire? The First Nixon Administration, edited by Robert Osgood, Johns Hopkins University Press (Baltimore, MD), 1973; The Euro-American System: Economic and Political Relations between North America and Western Europe, edited by Ernst-Otto Czempiel and Dankwart A. Rustow, Westview (Boulder, CO), 1976; The End of the Keynesian Era: Essays on the Disintegration of the Keynesian Political Economy, edited by Robert S. Skidelsky, Holmes & Meier (New York, NY), 1977; The Future of American Foreign Policy, edited by Charles W. Kegley, Jr. and Eugene R. Wittkopf, St. Martin's Press (New York, NY), 1992; and France-Germany, 1983-1993: The Struggle to Cooperate, edited by Patrick McCarthy, St. Martin's Press (New York, NY), 1993. Contributor to periodicals, including Social Research, World Policy Journal, Journal of International Affairs, Ethics and International Affairs, Political Science Quarterly, Foreign Affairs, and Foreign Policy.

SIDELIGHTS: David P. Calleo's The Imperious Economy "presents a major challenge to conventional economic thinking about the causes of virulent inflation," stated Grant D. Aldonas in the Los Angeles Times Book Review. In The Imperious Economy, Calleo charges that the devaluation of the American dollar during the past two decades is a result not of deficit spending during the Vietnam War, as is commonly assumed, but rather of older problems that stem from the historic inability of the United States to reconcile domestic and foreign objectives. Calleo "unfolds a subtle analysis of how inflation became embedded in the national fabric," Daniel Yergin wrote in the Washington Post Book World. The importance of The Imperious Economy, commented Aldonas, is that it "challenges assumptions and forces us to confront the complex interdependence of decisions at home with stature abroad."

Calleo argues in The Imperious Economy that chronic monetary inflation began in the United States during the Kennedy era when the government pushed for full employment as a panacea for domestic social unrest while at the same time spending large amounts of capital to maintain its global economic hegemony and military superiority. In order to achieve both full employment and world dominance, Calleo maintains, the United States began a policy of deficit spending in both good times and bad, thus increasing the flow of American currency without any corresponding real growth.

Richard J. Barnett commented in the New York Times Book Review that The Imperious Economy "is really an essay on the paradoxes of American Power." Calleo's argument is that in its pursuit of greater economic and military power, the United States contradicts its goal of restoring post-World War II Europe and Japan to economic stability and independence and deriving a more equitable world economic balance. "Calleo has long been a student of U.S.-European relations," wrote Aldonas. "He is at his best bringing out essential elements of our alliance and explaining why our security and economic interests sometimes differ…. This book is a must for those who hope to join the international economic debate."



Los Angeles Times Book Review, July 4, 1982, Grant D. Aldonas, review of The Imperious Economy.

New York Times Book Review, July 18, 1982, Richard J. Barnett, review of The Imperious Economy.

Times Literary Supplement, December 2, 1988.

Washington Post Book World, November 5, 1978; August 29, 1982, Daniel Yergin, review of The Imperious Economy.*

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Calleo, David P(atrick) 1934-

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