Bozóki, András 1959–
Bozóki, András 1959–
(Andras Bozoki)
PERSONAL: Born January 23, 1959, in Budapest, Hungary; son of Béla (an engineer) and Margit (an artist; maiden name, Baranyi) Bozóki; married Bernadette Czike (a psychologist), 1983; children: Bence, Marcell, Raphaël. Ethnicity: "Hungarian." Education: Attended Eötvös University; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D.
ADDRESSES: Office—1051 Budapest Nádor U.G., Hungary. E-mail—
CAREER: Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, assistant professor, 1983–93; Central European University, Budapest, associate professor, 1993–; Columbia University, New York, NY, visiting professor, 2004. Political advisor to the prime minister of Hungary, 2003–04; spokesperson for a democratic opposition party in Hungary, 1990. Military service: Served 1977–78.
MEMBER: International Political Science Association, Hungarian Political Science Association (chairman).
AWARDS, HONORS: Ferenc Erdei Prize, 1991; Hungarian Pulitzer Prize, 1993.
(Editor, with James Bak and Miklos Sukosd) Liberty and Socialism, Rowman & Littlefield (Lanham, MD), 1991.
(Editor, with Andras Korosenyi and George Schopflin, and contributor) Post-Communist Transition: Emerging Pluralism in Hungary, St. Martin's Press (New York, NY), 1992.
(Editor and contributor) Democratic Legitimacy in Post-Communist Societies, T-Twins Publishing House (Budapest, Hungary), 1994.
(Associate editor, with Bela K. Kiraly, and contributor) Lawful Revolution in Hungary, 1989–1994, Columbia University Press (New York, NY), 1994.
(Editor and contributor) Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe, Central European University Press (Budapest, Hungary), 1999.
(Editor and contributor) The Roundtable Talks of 1989: The Genesis of Hungarian Democracy, Central European University Press (Budapest, Hungary), 2002.
(Editor, with John Ishiyama, and contributor) The Communist Successor Parties of Central and Eastern Europe, M.E. Sharpe (Armonk, NY), 2002.
(With Barbara Bo030B;sze) Migrants, Minorities, Belonging, and Citizenship: The Case of Hungary, Bric (Bergen, Norway), 2004.
(With Dario Castiglione, Philippe C. Schmitter, Alexandre Trechsel, and others) The Future of Democracy in Europe: Trends Analyses, and Reforms, Council of Europe Press (Strasbourg, France), 2004.
(Editor) A Szép Szó, 1936–39, Kossuth-Magvetö (Budapest, Hungary), 1987.
(Editor, with Tamas Csapodt, Ervin Csizmadia, and Miklos Sukosd, and contributor) Csendes? For-radalom? Volt? (title means "Was It a Silent Revolution?"), T-Twins Publishing House (Budapest, Hungary), 1991.
(With Gabor Peli) Társadalomismeret (textbook; title means "Social Knowledge"), Tankönyvkiadó (Budapest, Hungary), 1991, 2nd edition, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó (Budapest, Hungary), 1995.
(Editor, with Miklos Sukosd, and contributor) Anarchizmus (title means "Anarchism"), Századvég (Budapest, Hungary), 1991.
(Editor, with Gabor Nagy) Vannak-e emberi jogaik? A színesbörü diákok helyzete a fövárosban és a skinhead-jelenség (title means "Do They Have Human Rights? The Situation of Black Students in Budapest and the Skinhead Phenomenon"), Budapest City Council (Budapest, Hungary), 1992.
(Editor) Zsolt Béla: A végzetes toll (title means "The Fatal Pen: From the Political Journalism of Béla Zsolt"), Századvég-Nyilvánosság Klub (Budapest, Hungary), 1992.
(Editor and contributor) A Fidesz a magyar politikában 1988–1991 (title means "The Federation of Young Democrats in Hungarian Politics, 1988–1991"), Fidesz (Budapest, Hungary), 1992.
(With Agnes Heller and Ferenc Feher) Polgárosodás, civil társadalom és demokrácia (title means "'Embourgeoisement,' Civil Society, and Democracy"), MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete (Budapest, Hungary), 1993.
(Editor, with Laszlo Seres and Miklos Sukosd, and contributor) Anarchizmus ma (title means "Contemporary Anarchist Thought"), T-Twins Publishing House (Budapest, Hungary), 1994.
(With Miklos Sukosd) Az anarchizmus elmélete és magyarországi története (title means "The Theory of Anarchism and Its History in Hungary"), Cserépfalvi (Budapest, Hungary), 1994.
Konfrontáció és konszenzus: a demokratizálás stratégiái (title means "Confrontation and Consensus: Strategies for Democratization"), Savaria University Press (Szombathely, Hungary), 1995.
Magyar panoptikum (title means "Hungarian Waxworks,"), KáVé (Budapest, Hungary), 1996.
(Editor and contributor) Paul Ignotus, Vissza az értelemhez (political essays; title means "Back to Reason"), Új Mandátum (Budapest, Hungary), 1997, 2nd edition, 1998.
(With Istvan Javorniczky and Istvan Stumpf) Magyar politikusi arcképscarnok (title means "Portraits of Hungarian Political Leaders"), Századvég (Budapest, Hungary), 1998.
(Editor, with Miklos Sukosd) Magyar anarchizmus (title means "Hungarian Anarchism,"), Balassi (Budapest, Hungary), 1998.
(Editor in chief) A rendszerváltás forgatókönyve: kerekasztal-tárgyálasok 1989—ben (title means "The Script of the Regime Change: The Minutes of the Hungarian Roundtable Negotiations in 1989"), Volumes 1-4, Magvetö (Budapest, Hungary), 1999, Volume 8 (with Marta Elbert) published as Portrék és életrajzok: A rendszerváltás forgatókönyve (title means "Portraits and Biographies: The Script of the Regime Change,"), Új Mandátum (Budapest, Hungary), 1999, Volumes 5-6 (with Marta Elbert and Zoltan Ripp), Új Mandátum (Budapest, Hungary), 2000, Volume 7 (editor and contributor) published as Alkotmányos forraldalom: A rendszerváltás forgatókönyve (title means "Constitutional Revolution: The Script of the Regime Change"), Új Mandátum (Budapest, Hungary), 2000.
Ignotus Pál, Új Mandátum (Budapest, Hungary), 2003.
Politikai pluralizmus Magyarországon, 1987–2002 (title means "Political Pluralism in Hungary, 1987–2002"), Századvég (Budapest, Hungary), 2003.
Contributor to periodicals. Founder and editor, Hungarian Political Science Review; founder, Magyar Narancs (weekly magazine).
SIDELIGHTS: András Bozóki told CA: "I already wanted a typewriter as a Christmas present from my parents at the age of nine. I enjoyed reading a lot of novels in my teenage years and started to write political essays and journalistic articles during my university years. At that time Hungary was not a free country, so I had no chance to be a publicist, so I decided to be a scholar in the social sciences. Politically I was influenced by the then emerging underground democratic opposition, and especially by the regime change and transition to democracy in 1989 and 1990. George Orwell, Arthur Koestler, Iván Szelényi, Miklós Szabó, Alexis de Tocqueville, and anarchist writers influenced me strongly.
"My interest in politics and society was shaped by history, and particularly certain historical events such as the Polish Solidarity Movement in 1980–81, the collapse of communism in central and eastern Europe in 1989–91, contemporary issues of war and peace, and the processes of democratization."
Sociology, May, 1994, Emanuela Todeva, review of Post-Communist Transition: Emerging Pluralism in Hungary, p. 622.