Boss, Pauline 1934-

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BOSS, Pauline 1934-

PERSONAL: Born July 11, 1934, in New Glarus, WI; daughter of Paul and Verena (Elmer) Grossenbacher; married Kenneth Boss, December 25, 1953 (divorced, April, 1982); married Dudley Riggs, March 10, 1988; children: (first marriage) David, Ann Boss Sheffels.

Ethnicity: "Swiss-American." Education: University of Wisconsin—Madison, B.S., 1956, M.S., 1971, Ph. D., 1975. Politics: Independent. Religion: United Church of Christ. Hobbies and other interests: Theater, concerts, travel.

ADDRESSES: Home—St. Paul, MN. Offıce—Department of Family Social Science, 290 McNeal Hall, University of Minnesota—St. Paul, 1985 Buford Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108; fax: 612-625-4227. E-mail—

CAREER: University of Wisconsin—Madison, lecturer, 1973-75, assistant professor, 1975-80, associate professor of child and family studies, 1980-81; University of Minnesota—St. Paul, St. Paul, MN, associate professor, 1981-84, professor of family social science, 1984—, director of marital and family therapy program, 1984-87, director of graduate studies, 1987-91, chair of human subjects committee for behavioral Research, 1982-86, member of Children, Youth, and Family Consortium, 1990—. U.S. Army War College, workshop presenter, 1980-85; University of North Carolina—Greensboro, Mildred Davis Lecturer, 1986; University of Southern California, visiting professor at Andrus Gerontological Center, 1988, special lecturer, 1991; Texas Tech University, guest lecturer, 1993; Harvard University, visiting professor at Judge Baker Children's Center, Harvard Medical School, 1995-96; guest lecturer at Syracuse University, McGill University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Rochester, University of Iowa, University of Connecticut, and other educational institutions; conference speaker in the United States and abroad. Family therapist in private practice, 1976—; Operation de Novo Pre-Trial Diversion Project, clinical staff supervisor for internal systems issues, 1981-83; American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, director of training program for family therapists, 1981-86; National Council on Family Relations, coordinator and leader of National Family Conceptual Frameworks and Methodology Project, 1987; presenter of seminars and workshops; guest on media programs in the United States and elsewhere, including Good Morning America and 20/20; public speaker. National Task Force on Families of Catastrophe, member, 1980-85; Citizens Ambassador Program, member of people-to-people marriage and family therapy delegation to China, 1988; World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, cochair of family section, 1993; volunteer counselor and consultant. Wilhelm Tell Drama Guild, member of board of directors, 1968-78.

MEMBER: American Psychological Association (fellow; member of family psychology division), National Council on Family Relations (fellow; member of board of directors, 1979-81; president, 1996-97), American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (fellow; clinical member; chair of research committee, 1981-82), American Family Therapy Academy (charter member; research chair, 1995-97), Council on Contemporary Families, Groves Conference on Marriage and Family (national president, 1984-87), Minnesota Association for Marital and Family Therapy, Minnesota Council on Family Relations, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Omicron Nu.

AWARDS, HONORS: Grants from Center for Prisoner of War Studies, Department of the Navy, 1974, and National Institute for Aging, 1986-91; Minnesota Friend of Extension Award, Epsilon Sigma Phi, 1986; gold medal, CASE Recognition Competition in Video Feature Programs and Documentaries, 1986, for A Family's Fall: A Videodrama of a Family in Crisis; distinguished contribution award, American Family Therapy Association, 1990; grant from Alzheimer's Association, 1993; award of merit, Minnesota chapter, Gamma Sigma Delta, 1994; Bush Foundation sabbatical award, University of Minnesota, 1995-96.


(With others) The Father's Role in Family Systems:An Annotated Bibliography, University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, WI), 1979.

Family Stress Management, Sage Publications

(Newbury Park, CA), 1988, revised edition, 2001. (Editor, with others, and contributor) Sourcebook of

Family Theories and Methods: A Contextual Approach, Plenum (New York, NY), 1993.

(Editor) Family Structures and Child Health in theTwenty-first Century, Maternal and Child Health Leadership Conference, University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) 1993.

Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live with UnresolvedGrief, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 1999.

Losing a Way of Life: Ambiguous Loss in Farm Families, Extension, University of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN), 2001.

(With C. Mulligan) Classic and Contemporary Readings about Family Stress, Sage Publications (Newbury Park, CA), 2002.

Author of training films and videotapes, including A Family's Fall: A Videodrama of a Family in Crisis, Extension Service, University of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN), 1986. Contributor to books, including Families before and after Perestroika: Russian and U.S. Perspectives, edited by J. W. Maddock and others, Guilford Press (New York, NY), 1994; Assessing Family Loss in Wrongful Death Litigation: The Special Roles of Lost Services, edited by T. Ireland and T. Depper-schmidt, Lawyers and Judges Publishing (Tucson, AZ), 1999; Public Policy through a Family Lens, National Council on Family Relations (Minneapolis, MN), 2001; Living in the Presence of Grief, edited by Dorothy Becvar, Guilford Press, 2001; and Ambivalences in Intergenerational Relations, edited by K. Pillemer and K. Luesher, Elsevier/JAL Press, 2002. Author of column "NCFR Reports," 1997. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including USA Today, Gerontologist, American Family Therapy Newsletter, Family Therapy Networker, Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, and Marriage and Family Review. Associate editor, Family Relations, 1979-86, 1999-2001, Journal of Marriage and Family, 1980-86, Journal of Divorce, 1981—, Family Process, 1982—, Journal of Psychotherapy and the Family, 1984-90, and Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 1987—; member of editorial board, Counseling and Values, 1989-91, and Contemporary Family Therapy, 1991-93; consulting editor, Journal of Family Psychology, 1993—; advisory editor, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 1993—.

Author's books have been translated into Spanish, Chinese, and German.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Family Stress Reader; research on ambiguous loss in families of Alzheimer's disease patients and in families related to the World Trade Towers disaster in 2001.

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