Berg, William J. 1942-

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BERG, William J. 1942-

PERSONAL: Born October 26, 1942, in Dunkirk, NY; son of Francis J. (a department store manager) and Adalyn H. (a registered nurse; maiden name, Goodwin) Berg; married Laurey Kramer Martin, February 1, 1986; children: Jennifer Berg Duffy, Jessica, Stirling Martin (stepson), Hunter Martin (stepson). Education: Hamilton College, B.A., 1964; Princeton University, M.A., 1966, Ph.D., 1969. Politics: Democrat. Hobbies and other interests: Tennis, guitar.

ADDRESSES: Home—5201 Pepin Pl., Madison, WI 53705. Office—Department of French, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, WI 53706. E-mail—

CAREER: University of Wisconsin—Madison, assistant professor, 1967-73, associate professor, 1973-79, professor of French, 1979—, Halverson-Bascom Professor, 1995-2000, director of academic year abroad in Paris, 1973-74, chair of Department of French and Italian, 1982-85, honors fellow, 1994—. Summa Publications, member of editorial board, 1983—.

MEMBER: Modern Language Association of America, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

AWARDS, HONORS: Vilas associate, 1991-93; Chancellor's Award for excellence in teaching, University of Wisconsin, 1995.


(With Peter Schofer and Donald Rice) Poèmes, pièces, prose: introduction a l'analyse de textes litterarires français, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1973.

(With Michel Grimaud and George Moskos) Saint/Oedipus: Psychocritical Approaches to Flaubert's Art, Cornell University Press (Ithaca, NY), 1982.

(With Laurey K. Martin) Images, Holt, Rinehart & Winston (New York, NY), 1989.

The Visual Novel: Emile Zola and the Art of His Times, Pennsylvania State University Press (University Park, PA), 1992.

(With Laurey K. Martin) Emile Zola Revisited, Twayne (New York, NY), 1992.

(With Laurey K. Martin) Gustave Flaubert, Twayne (New York, NY), 1997.

(With Magnan, Ozzello, and Laurey K. Martin-Berg) Paroles, with video and CD-ROM, Harcourt (New York, NY), 1999.

Member of editorial board, Sub-Stance.

WORK IN PROGRESS: From Image to Ideology: Modern French Literature and Painting.

SIDELIGHTS: William J. Berg told CA: "Educational writing involves not just the clear expression of ideas, but the discovery, creation, interpretation, integration, analysis, synthesis, application, and transmission of knowledge to the broadest possible audience. Scholarship in its highest form (which I don't claim to practice, only emulate) brings new knowledge not only to experts in a given field, but to any intelligent reader interested in that field."



Choice, June, 1993, R. Merker, review of Emile Zola Revisited, p. 1630, and J. C. McLaren, review of The Visual Novel: Emile Zola and the Art of His Times, p. 1631.

French Review, April, 2000, Kenneth E. Kintz, review of Paroles, p. 981.

French Studies, April, 1994, Joy Newton, review of The Visual Novel, p. 219.

Modern Language Review, October, 1994, F. W. J. Hemmings, review of The Visual Novel, p. 1015.

Times Literary Supplement, November 5, 1993, Paul Griffiths, review of The Visual Novel, p. 16.

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