Berg, James J. 1964-
BERG, James J. 1964-
PERSONAL: Born July 1, 1964, in Superior, WI. Education: University of Minnesota—Twin Cities, B.A. (cum laude), 1986, M.A., 1992, Ph.D. (English language and literature), 1996.
ADDRESSES: Home—3235 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55407. E-mail—
CAREER: Educator, administrator, and author. University of Maine at Orono, assistant professor and program director, 1999-2000; Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, St. Paul, program director of Center for Teaching and Learning, 2000—. Presenter at workshops.
MEMBER: Modern Language Association of America, American Association for Higher Education.
AWARDS, HONORS: Lambda Literary Award for Gay Studies, 2000, for The Isherwood Century.
(Editor with Chris Freeman) The Isherwood Century: Essays on the Life and Work of Christopher Isherwood, University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, WI), 2000.
Editor and author of introduction, with Chris Freeman) Conversations with Christopher Isherwood, University Press of Mississippi (University, MS), 2001.
Contributor to books, including Cyclopedia of Literary Places, Salem Press (Pasadena, CA), 2002, Christopher Isherwood Encyclopedia, McFarland & Co. (Jefferson, NC), 2003, and Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America, Charles Scribner's Sons, in press; contributor to periodicals, including West Virginia University Philological Papers, Minnesota Review, Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter, and Lambda Book Report. Web master and editor,
WORK IN PROGRESS: A Writer and His World: Christopher Isherwood's Lectures in California, for University of Minnesota Press; a research project, "The American Isherwood."
James J. Berg Web site, (August 8, 2003).