Beaser, Richard S. 1951- (Richard Seth Beaser)
Beaser, Richard S. 1951- (Richard Seth Beaser)
Born April 22, 1951, in Boston, MA; son of Samuel B. (a physician) and Shirley Bernice (a chemist) Beaser; married Marguerite Rebecca Michael (an accountant), October 12, 1975; children: Michael Jonathan, Andrew David, Daniel Scott. Ethnicity: "Jewish/white." Education: Trinity College, Hartford, CT, B.S., 1973; Boston University, M.D., 1977. Politics: "Pragmatic." Religion: Jewish.
Home—Newton, MA. Office—Joslin Diabetes Center, 1 Joslin Pl., Boston, MA 02461. E-mail—
Harvard University, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, MA, senior staff physician, 1982—, medical executive director of professional education, 2000—.
Joslin Diabetes Manual, Lea & Febiger (Philadelphia, PA), 1989.
Outsmarting Diabetes, Chronimed (Minneapolis, MN), 1994.
Joslin's Diabetes Deskbook, Joslin Diabetes Center (Boston, MA), 2003.
Joslin Guide to Diabetes, Simon & Schuster (New York, NY), 2005.