Beasecker, Robert F. 1946–
Beasecker, Robert F. 1946–
(Robert Francis Beasecker)
PERSONAL: Born February 3, 1946, in Detroit, MI; son of Francis Wallace and Helen A. (Starr) Beasecker; married Barbara J. Emerson, 1969 (divorced, 1992); married Erika G. King, 1998; children: (first marriage) Ryan Robert. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Hillsdale College, A.B., 1969; University of Michigan, A.M. L.S., 1970; University of Wisconsin—Madison, certificate in archival management, 1995. Politics: Independent.
ADDRESSES: Home—1027 San Lucia Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506. Office—Library, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 49401. E-mail—
CAREER: Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, reference librarian, university archivist, and special collections librarian, 1970–, interim dean of university libraries, 2003–05, director of special collections, 2006–. Midwest Archives Conference, member, 1985–; Muskegon Historic District Commission, member, 1990–98; Michigan Author Award, member of steering committee, 1991–95; Michigan Center for the Book, member of board of directors, 1995–99.
MEMBER: Bibliographical Society of America, Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature (member of executive council, 1986–), Bibliographical Society (England), Oxford Bibliographical Society, Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia.
AWARDS, HONORS: MidAmerica Award, Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature, 1984.
Michigan in the Novel, 1816–1996: An Annotated Bibliography, Wayne State University Press (Detroit, MI), 1998.
(Editor) "I Hope to Do My Country Service": The Civil War Letters of John Bennitt, M.D., Surgeon, 19th Michigan Infantry, Wayne State University Press (Detroit, MI), 2005.
Contributor to books, including Literary Michigan: A Sense of Place, a Sense of Time, Michigan Council for the Humanities (Lansing, MI), 1988; Dictionary of Midwestern Literature, Indiana University Press, 2001; and Encyclopedia of American Literature of the Sea and Great Lakes, Greenwood Press, 2001. Contributor to periodicals, including Grand Valley Review. Editor, Annual Bibliography of Midwestern Literature, 1978–.