Baldwin, William J. 1937-
BALDWIN, William J. 1937-
PERSONAL: Born September 4, 1937, in Los Angeles, CA; married; wife's name, Judith (a minister). Education: University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, D.D.S. 1970; Western University Graduate College of Theology, D.M., 1982; American Commonwealth University, Ph.D., 1988.
ADDRESSES: Home—Enterprise, FL 32725. Offıce— Center for Human Relations, P.O. Box 4061, Enterprise, FL 32725. E-mail—
CAREER: Pastoral counselor, Past Lives therapist, hypnotherapist, and international lecturer, trainer, and seminar leader of regression therapy. Dentist, c. 1970-82; Center for Human Relations, Enterprise, FL, co-director and president.
Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual, Headline Books (Terra Alta, WV), 1991, 2nd edition, 1995.
(With wife, Judith Baldwin) From My Heart to Yours:A Transformational Guide to Unlocking the Power of Love, Headline Books (Terra Alta, WV), 1996.
CE-VI: Close Encounters of the Possession Kind, Headline Books (Terra Alta, WV), 1999.
Past Life Therapy: A Technique Manual, Headline Books (Terra Alta, WV), 2003.
Healing Lost Souls, Hampton Roads Publishing (Charlottesville, VA), 2003.
Author of foreword, Louise Ireland-Frey, Freeing the Captives: The Emerging Therapy of Treating Spirit Attachment, Hampton Roads Publishing, 1999.
SIDELIGHTS: After receiving his D.D.S. degree in 1970, William Baldwin practiced dentistry for a little over a decade before his career interests took a drastic turn. He became an ordained minister and, nearly twenty-three years after entering the field of dentistry, earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Baldwin has since become co-director of the Center for Human Relations. He has written countless articles and a number of books on the subjects of Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT) and Past Life Therapy (PLT). The purpose of these two closely-related types of therapy is to detect the underlying reason for problems that physically manifest themselves as illness, disease, or mental imbalances. Baldwin also claims that experiencing SRT or PLT can help resolve conflicts that continually arise in a person's primary relationships.
SRT is based on the idea that a person lives their life on earth with the spirit of someone else—deceased—attached to him or her. Historically, this condition has been labeled spirit possession. Religious history is rife with exorcisms designed to "cast out" the intruding spirit from the living person. Baldwin claims that experts in the field estimate that between 70 percent and 100 percent of the population are influenced by one or more discarnate entities at some time in their lives.
SRT consists of six steps, the first of which is to discover and identify all—Baldwin states there is never just one—attached spirits. The second step is differential diagnosis. Most entities fall into one of three categories, and each type requires specific dialogue, which is step three. Step four actually releases the entity, and again, each type requires a different release process. The fifth step is what Baldwin calls a guided imagery of Light for the client. During this step, the void left by the released being is metaphorically filled. The sixth step is a program of ongoing therapy for the client; it is possible to find and release other attachments during subsequent sessions.
PLT differs from SRT in that it operates on the concept of reincarnation rather than spirit attachment. By regressing through one's past lives, the therapist is able to help the client resolve any accumulated residue that gets carried from one lifetime to another.
Baldwin has written several books on spirit attachment and past life regression. His first, Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual, was considered by some to a groundbreaking work in the field of psychotherapy. Roger Woolger commented on the Spirit Releasement Web site that the manual is a "tour de force whose appearance I am delighted to celebrate. . . . It is a milestone we will all look back to. I predict it will be referred to and argued about for years."
Baldwin and his wife Judith run the Center for Human Relations, where they offer seminars, training courses, and therapy sessions. In addition, they travel the world to lecture and present training classes, and their travels have taken them to Brazil, Switzerland, England, Japan, Israel, and other countries.
Spirit Web, (May 20, 2002), Baldwin, William J., "The Three Faces of Regression Therapy."
Spirit Releasement, (April 22, 2002).