Zumpe, Herman

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Zumpe, Herman

Zumpe, Herman, German conductor and composer; b. Oppach, April 9,1850; d. Munich, Sept. 4,1903. He studied in Bautzen and Leipzig. In 1872 he joined Wagner at Bayreuth, aiding in the preparation of the performances of Der Ring des Nibelungen; then conducted opera in Salzburg, Wurzburg, Madgeburg, Frankfurt am Main, and Hamburg. After some years spent in teaching and composing, he was appointed court conductor in Stuttgart in 1891. In 1895 he was called to Munich to become conductor of the Kaim Orch. He then was court conductor in Schwerin (1897-1900), at which time he returned to Munich as Generalmusikdirektor.


dramatic: Opera Anahna (Berlin, 1881); Sawitri (completed by Rössler; Schwerin, Sept. 8, 1907; perf. simultaneously with Das Gespenst von Horodin); Das Gespenst von Horodin (Hamburg, 1910; perf. simultaneously with Sawitri). Operetta: Farinelli (Hamburg, 1886); Karin (Hamburg, 1888); Polnische Wirtschaft (Hamburg, 1889). OTHER: Sym. (1868), overtures, 2 string quartets (1871,1891), piano pieces, and many vocal works, including songs.


E. von Possart et al., H. Z.: Persönliche Erinnerungen nebst Mitteilungen aus seinen Tagebuchblättern und Briefen (Munich, 1905).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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