Tomasini, Alois Luigi

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Tomasini, Alois Luigi

Tomasini, Alois Luigi, Italian violinist and composer; b. Pesaro, June 22, 1741; d. Eisenstadt, April 25, 1808. In 1757 he became a manservant to Prince Paul Anton Esterházy, who sent him to Venice to complete his musical instruction in 1759. By 1761 he was back in the Esterházy service as 1st violinist in the Hofkapelle, where he became a friend of Haydn; later served as its Konzertmeister until his death (1790-94 excepted) and also as director of the Esterházy chamber music (from 1802). He wrote at least 2 syms. (both lost), 3 violin concertos (1 lost), and much chamber music, of which the 3 String Quartets, op. 8 (Vienna, 1807?), are particularly noteworthy; in all, he composed 30 string quartets (6 lost), 24 divertimentos (Nos. 1-6 and 13-24 for Baryton, Violin, and Cello, and Nos. 7-12 for Baryton, Viola, and Cello), 9 duo concertants for 2 Violins, 6 sonatas for Violin and Bass, and other works. See E. Schenck, ed., Luigi Tomasini: Ausgewählte Instrumentalwerke, Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, CXXIV (1972). He had 2 sons who became musicians: Anton (Edmund) Tomasini (b. Eisenstadt, Feb. 17, 1775; d. there, June 12, 1824) was a violinist and composer; studied with his father; in 1796 joined the Esterházy Kapelle, where he was made deputy director (1805) and then director (1818) of the orch. Alois (Basil Nikolaus) (Luigi) Tomasini (b. Esteraz, July 10, 1779; d. Neustrelitz, Feb. 19, 1858) was a violinist and composer; received his music training from his father; about 1793 he entered the Esterházy Kapelle as a violinist, winning the high commendation of Haydn; after marrying the singer Sophie Croll (1785-1847) in 1808, he went with her to Neustrelitz, where he later served as Konzertmeister. He was succeeded by his son, Carlo Tomasini (1813-80). Their daughter, Friederike (1810-86), a singer, studied in Munich and then appeared at the Neustrelitz Court Theater.


E. Fruchtman, The Baryton Trios of T., Burgksteinner, and Neumann (diss., Univ. of N.C., I960).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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