
views 3,398,412 updated May 29 2018

sos·te·nu·to / ˌsästəˈnoōtō/ Mus. • adj. (of a passage of music) to be played in a sustained or prolonged manner.• n. (pl. -tos) a passage to be played in a sustained and prolonged manner. ∎  performance in this manner.


views 3,502,099 updated May 14 2018

sostenuto (It.), soutenu (Fr.). Sustained. Direction that notes must be sustained to their full value in a smooth flow; it can also be interpreted as meaning that a passage is to be played at a slower but uniform speed. Also sostenendo, sustaining.


views 1,584,343 updated Jun 11 2018

sostenuto (mus.) in a sustained manner. XVIII. — It., pp. of sostenere SUSTAIN

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