Müller von Kulm, Walter

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Müller von Kulm, Walter

Müller von Kulm, Walter, Swiss composer; b. Kulm, Aug. 31, 1899; d. Ariesheim, near Basel, Oct. 3, 1967. He studied in Aarau and at the conservatories and in Basel and Zürich, and took courses in musicology, philosophy, and psychology at the Univ. of Basel. He was director of the Basel Cons. (1947–64). He publ. the manual Grundriss der Harmonielehre (Basel, 1948). Among his works were the opera Der Erfinder (1944), the ballet, Die blaue Blume (1936), the oratorios Vater unser (1945) and Petrus (1960), a Sym. (1928), chamber music, and keyboard pieces.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis Mclntire

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