Müller, Adolf, Jr.

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Müller, Adolf, Jr.

Austrian composer and conductor, son of Adolf Müller Sr.; b. Vienna, Oct. 15,1839; d. there, Dec. 14,1901. After completing his education in Vienna, he was engaged as a theater conductor in the provinces. He was conductor of the German Opera at Rotterdam (1875–83), then at the Theater an der Wien, where his father had directed before him. He produced a number of operas, including Heinrich der Goldschmidt (Magdeburg, 1867), Waldmeisters Brautfahrt (Hamburg, Feb. 15,1873), and Van Dyke (Rotterdam, 1877), and the Viennese operettas Der Hofnarr (Nov. 20, 1886; his greatest success), Der Teufels Weib (Nov. 22, 1890), Der Millionen-Onkel (Nov. 5, 1892), General Gogo (Feb. I, 1896), and Der Blondin von Namur (Oct. 15, 1898).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis Mclntire

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