Judenkünig, Hans

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Judenkünig, Hans

Judenkünig, Hans, German lutenist and composer; b. Schwäbisch Gmund, c.1450; d. Vienna, 1526. He settled in Vienna, where he was associated with a fraternal order from 1518. Judenkünig was the foremost Viennese composer of lute music of his time. He publ. 2 valuable lutebooks with music in German tablature: Utiliset compendiaria introductio (Vienna, c. 1515-19) and Ain schone künstliche Underweisung…zu lernen auff der Lauften und Geygen (Vienna, 1523; ed. by H.Mönkmeyer in Die Tabulator, X, 1970).


A. Koczirz, Der Lautenist H. J. (diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1903).

—Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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