Judd, Denis

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JUDD, Denis

JUDD, Denis. British, b. 1938. Genres: Novels, Children's fiction, History, Biography. Career: Principal Lecturer, since 1972, and Professor of History, since 1990, University of North London (Lecturer, 1964-68; Sr. Lecturer, 1968-72). Fellow, Royal Historical Society. Publications: Balfour and The British Empire, 1968; The Victorian Empire, 1970; Posters of World War Two, 1972; The British Raj, 1972; Livingstone in Africa, 1973; George V, 1973, new ed., 1994; Someone Has Blundered, 1973; The House of Windsor, 1973; Edward VII, 1975; Palmerston, 1957; The Crimean War, 1975; Eclipse of Kings, 1976; The Adventures of Long John Silver, 1977; Radical Joe: A Life of Joseph Chamberlain, 1977, new ed., 1993; The Boer War, 1977; Return to Treasure Island, 1978; Prince Philip, 1980, new ed., 1991; Lord Reading: A Biography of Rufus Isaacs, 1982; (with P. Slinn) The Evolution of the Modern Commonwealth, 1982; George VI, 1982; Alison Uttley: The Life of a Country Child, 1986; Further Tales of Little Grey Rabbit, 1989; Jawaharlal Nehru, 1993; Empire: The British Imperial Experience from 1765 to the Present, 1996. Address: 20 Mount Pleasant Rd, London NW10 3EL, England.

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