Hristic, Stevan

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Hristič, Stevan

Hristič, Stevan, Serbian conductor, teacher, and composer; b. Belgrade, June 19, 1885; d. there, Aug. 21, 1958. He studied with Nikisch (conducting) and Krehl and Hofmann at the Leipzig Cons., and then pursued studies in Moscow, Rome, and Paris. Returning to Belgrade, he was conductor of the National Opera Theater (1912–14); then was chief conductor of the Belgrade Phil. (1923–34) and Opera (1924–34); then was a prof, of composition at the Academy of Music (1937–50). He composed a music drama, Suton (Sunset, 1925; rev. 1954), a ballet, Legend of Okhrid (1933; rev. 1958), and many choral works.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire >

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