Hrisanide, Alexandru

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Hrisanide, Alexandru

Hrisanide, Alexandru, Romanian composer; b. Petrila, June 15, 1936. He studied with P. Constanti-nescu, Ciortea, Vancea, Jora, and Mendelsohn at the Bucharest Cons. (1953–64), with Boulanger at the American Cons, in Fontainebleau (1965), and in Darmstadt (1966–67). After teaching at the Academy of Music (1959–62) and Cons. (1962–72) in Bucharest, he was a visiting prof, at the Univ. of Ore. (1972–73); he then went to the Netherlands. His output followed along construc-tivist lines with the application of modified serial techniques.


ORCH.: Poem (1958); Passacaglia (1959); “Vers-Antiqua”: Hommage à Euripide for Chamber Orch. (1960); Concerto for Orchestra (1964); Ad perpetuam rei memoriam (1966); RO (1968); Sonnets, harpsichord concerto (1973). CHAMBER: 3 flute sonatas (1956; 1956; 1960-62); Violin Sonata (1957); Trio for Violin, Viola, and Bassoon (1958); String Quartet (1958); Clarinet Sonata (1960–62); Volumes-Inventions for Cello and Piano (1963); M. P 5 (Musique pour 5) for Violin, Viola, Cello, Saxophone or Clarinet, and Piano (1966); Directions for Wind Quintet (1967–69); Première musique pour RA for Piano and Tape (1968–69); Seconde musique pour RA for Piano and Tape (1969); Troisième musique pour RA for Piano, Percussion, and Tape (1970); Quatrième musique pour RA for Piano and Tape (1970); Sixième musique pour RA for Piano, Varying Instruments, and Tape (1970); Soliloquium ξ 11 for String Quartet (1970); Cinquième musique pour RA for Piano, Celesta, Harpsichord, and Tape (1973); piano pieces, including 3 sonatas (1955-56; Sonata piccola, 1959; Picasso Sonata, 1956-64). VOCAL: I-RO-LA-HAI for Voice and Orch. (1971); cantatas; songs.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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