Zeiller, Warren

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ZEILLER, Warren. American, b. 1929. Genres: Zoology, Novels, Archaeology/Antiquities, Marine sciences/Oceanography. Career: Miami Seaquarium, Miami, FL, diver and dolphin trainer, curator, vice president, and general manager, 1960-85, retiring in 1985; Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, Miami, FL, executive director of Tropical Everglades Visitor Association, Florida City, 1988-98. Publications: Tropical Marine Invertebrates of South Florida and the Bahamas, 1974; Tropical Marine Fishes of South Florida and the Bahamas, 1975; Introducing the Manatee, 1993. Contributor to trade journals and popular magazines. Address: Tropical Everglades Visitor Association, 160 US Highway 1, Florida City, FL 33034, U.S.A. Online address: prehistory@aol.com