Wooley, Marilyn J.
WOOLEY, Marilyn J.
WOOLEY, Marilyn J. American, b. 1951. Genres: Novels. Career: Writer. Clinical psychologist, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder and disaster training and response. University of Arizona, teaching assistant, 1973-75; NIMH research trainee, 1975-77; Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, CA, postdoctoral intern, 1977-78; Switzer Center, Torrence, CA, postdoctoral trainee, 1978; County of Orange Human Services Agency, Fullerton, CA, postdoctoral intern, 1978-79; Breakthru Consultations, Long Beach, CA, coordinator of psychological services, 1978-79; Shasta County Mental Health Services, Redding, CA, clinical psychologist, 1979-81; private practice, Redding, SC, clinical psychologist, 1981-; University of California- Davis, assistant clinical professor family practice residency program, 1981-. Publications: Jackpot Justice (novel), 2000. Contributor to professional publications. Address: 2469 Old Eureka Way, Redding, CA 96001, U.S.A. Online address: wooleymj@aol.com