Woog, Dan

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WOOG, Dan. American, b. 1953. Genres: Gay and lesbian issues, Sports/ Fitness, Essays. Career: Freelance writer. Westport News, Westport, CT, sports editor, 1976-78; Soccer America, executive editor of youth soccer letter, 1987-. Westport Soccer Association, coaching director. Publications: Woog's World: The Book (essays), 1991; School's Out: Gay and Lesbian Issues in America's Schools, 1995; Jocks: True Stories of America's Gay Male Athletes, 1998; Friends and Family: True Stories of Gay America's Straight Allies, 1999; Parents' Guide to Soccer, 2000; Jobs: Gay Men, Straight Work, 2001; Jocks 2: Coming out to Play, 2002. Address: 301 Post Rd E, West- port, CT 06880, U.S.A. Online address: dwoog@optonline.net

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