Wood, Dennis (Michael)
WOOD, Dennis (Michael)
WOOD, Dennis (Michael). British, b. 1947. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Biography. Career: University of Birmingham, England, lecturer, 1972-86, senior lecturer, 1986-89, reader in French literature, 1989-94, personal chair of French Literature, 1994-; member of board of management, Institute for Advanced Research. Universite Paul Valery, exchange lecturer, 1977. Publications: Constant: "Adolphe," 1987; Benjamin Constant: A Biography, 1993; The Novels of Isabelle de Charriere (1740-1805), 1994. EDITOR: I. de Charriere Belle de Zuylen, Oeuvres completes, Vol. VIII: Romans, contes et nouvelles I, 1763-1797, 1980, Vol. IX: Romans, contes et nouvelles II, 1798-1806, 1981; (with C. Crossley) Annales Benjamin Constant 7: Constant in Britain/Constant et la Grande-Bretagne, 1987; (with C.P. Courtney) B. Constant, Correspondance generale, Vol. II: 1793-1794, 1994, Vol. III: 1795-1805, in press; (and author of intro. and notes) B. Constant, Oeuvres completes, Vol. III: Ecrits litteraires, 1994. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Dept of French Studies, School of Humanities, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, England. Online address: d.m.wood@bham.ac.uk