Woloch, Isser
WOLOCH, Isser. American, b. 1937. Genres: History. Career: University of California, Los Angeles, Asst Professor, 1966-69; Indiana University, Bloomington, Lecturer, 1963-64, Asst Professor, 1964-66; Columbia University, NYC, Assoc Professor, 1969-75, Professor of History, 1975-98, Moore Collegiate Professor of History, 1998-. Publications: Jacobin Legacy, 1970; (ed.) The Peasantry in the Old Regime, 1970; (with M. Chambers, R. Grew, D. Herlihy and T. Rabb) The Western Experience, 1974; The French Veteran from the Revolution to the Restoration, 1979; Eighteenth-Century Europe: Tradition and Progress, 1982; The New Regime: Transformations of the French Civic Order, 1789-1820s, 1994; (ed.) Revolution and The Meanings of Freedom in the Nineteenth Century, 1996; Napoleon and His Collaborators: The Making of a Dictatorship, 2001. Address: History Dept, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A. Online address: iw6@columbia.edu