Weihs, Jean (Riddle)
WEIHS, Jean (Riddle)
WEIHS, Jean (Riddle). Also writes as Jean Riddle. Canadian, b. 1930. Genres: Children's non-fiction, Librarianship, Bibliography. Career: University of Toronto, ON, bibliographer, 1953-59; North York Public Library, general reference librarian, 1960-64; school librarian at public schools in Scarborough, ON, 1965-66; head of technical services for public schools in East York, ON, 1967-69; Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, director of library techniques course, 1969-86; Technical Services Group, Toronto, principal, 1986-. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, cataloger, 1966; Ontario Ministry of Education, instructor, 1968- 69; University of California, Los Angeles, visiting professor, 1988; Simmons College, visiting professor, 1989. Publications: (as Jean Riddle; with S. Lewis and J. Macdonald) Nonbook Materials: The Organization of Integrated Collections, 1970, 3rd ed. (as Jean Weihs; with Lewis), 1989; Library Technician (monograph), 1971, 4th ed., 1981; Accessible Storage of Nonbook Materials, 1984; (with L. Howarth) A Brief Guide to AACR2: 1988 Revision and Implications for Automated Systems, 1988; (with S.S. Intner) Standard Cataloging for School and Public Libraries, 1990, 3rd ed., 2001; The Integrated Library: Encouraging Access to Multimedia Materials, 2nd ed., 1991; Facts about Canada, Its Provinces and Territories, 1995; Special Library Cataloging, 1998; (with E. Evans and S. Intner) Introduction to Technical Services for Library Technicians, 2002. CHILDREN'S NONFICTION: Nunavut: Our Land; Ontario; British Columbia; (with J. Caven) Aspects of Government in Canada. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to library journals. Address: Technical Services Group, 4 Fairview Blvd, Toronto, ON, Canada M4K 1L9. Online address: jean.weihs@rogers.com