Webb, Janeen (S.)
WEBB, Janeen (S.)
WEBB, Janeen (S.). Australian. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Science fiction/Fantasy, Young adult fiction, Area studies, Literary criticism and history. Career: Educator and fiction writer. Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia, senior literature lecturer, then associate professor of literature. Australian Science Fiction Review, coeditor, 1987-91; Eidolon, reviews editor. Publications: (with A. Enstice) Aliens and Savages: Fiction, Politics, and Prejudice in Australia, 1998; (ed. with J. Dann) Dreaming Down-Under, 1998; (with A. Enstice) The Fantastic Self, 1999; Sailing to Atlantis, 2001; Trends in the Modern Novel, 2001; (with G. McKay) Modern Australian Drama, 2001; The Silken Road to Samarkand, 2003; (with A. Enstice) Kenneth Mackay's The Yellow Wave, 2003. Contributor of criticism to books and journals. Address: PO Box 101, Foster, VIC 3960, Australia. Online address: J.Webb@patrick.acu.edu.au