Valesio, Paolo

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VALESIO, Paolo. Italian, b. 1939. Genres: Language/Linguistics, Novels. Career: Professor, novelist, poet and short story writer. Harvard University, lecturer and associate professor of Romance languages; worked briefly at New York University; Yale University, professor of Italian, 1974-; visiting professor at several universities throughout Italy and the United States. Publications: Strutture dell'allittterazione. Grammatica, retorica e folklore verbale, (title means: Structure of Alliteration, Grammar, Rhetoric and Verbal Folklore), 1968; L'ospedale di Manhattan (novel; title means: The Hospital in Manhattan), 1978; Prose in poesia (title means: Poetic Prosings), 1979; Novantiqua: Rhetorics as a Contemporary Theory, 1980, enlarged and rev. ed, Ascoltare il silenzio: la retorica come teoria (title means: Listening to Silence), 1986; Il regno doloroso (title means: The Painful Kingdom), 1983; La rosa verde (title means: The Green Rose), 1987; Dialogo del falco e dell'avvoltoio (title means: Dialogue of the Hawk and the Vulture), 1987; Le isole del lago (title means: Islands of the Lake), 1990; La campagna dell'ottantasette: poesie e prose-in-poesia (title means: The Campaign of 1987: Poetry and Prose Poems), 1990; Analogia del mondo (title means: Analogy of the World), 1992; Gabriele D'Annunzio: The Dark Flame, trans. M. Migiel, 1992; S'incontrano gli amanti: tre storie interoceaniche (title means: Where Lovers Meet: Three Inter-Oceanic Stories), 1993; Tradimenti (title means: Betrayals) 1994; Nightchant, trans. G. Sidoli and V. Tessier, 1995; Sonetos profanos y Sacros (title means: Profane and Sacred Sonnets), 1996; Dialogo coi volanti (title means: Dialogue with the Flying Ones), 1997; Anniversari (title means: Anniversaries), 1999; Piazza delle preghiere massacrate (title means: The Place of Massacred Prayers), 1999; Dardi (title means: Arrows), 2000; Every Afternoon Can Make the World Stand Still, trans. M. Palma, 2002. EDITOR: E. Sapir, Il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica, 1969; (with others) N. Zingarelli, Vocabolario della lingua italiana, 10th ed, 1970; Quaderni dannunziani: D'Annunzio a Yale: atti del Convegno, Yale University, 26-29 marzo 1988, 1988; (with P. Carravetta) Poesaggio: poeti italiani d'America, 1993. Address: Department of Italian, Yale University, PO Box 208311, New Haven, CT 06520, U.S.A. Online address:

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