Tsetskhladze, Gocha R(evazi)
TSETSKHLADZE, Gocha R(evazi)
TSETSKHLADZE, Gocha R(evazi). British (born U.S.S.R.), b. 1963. Genres: Archaeology/Antiquities, Classics. Career: Russian Academy of Sciences, member of excavation teams in Moscow, Kiev, and Tbilisi, 1978- 88; Research Institute, Batumi, Georgia, research assistant, 1988; Oxford University, Oxford, England, Soros visiting scholar at Linacre College, 1990- 91, Dervorguilla scholar in arts at Balliol College, 1991-94; University of London, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Surrey, England, lecturer in classical studies and archaeology and member of academic staff of Hellenic Institute, 1994-, Jubilee fellow, 1994-95, British Academy institutional research fellow, 1996-2000, senior research fellow in classics, 2000-, and director of British Excavation in Taman Peninsula, Russia, 1995-. Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique, Geneva, Switzerland, visiting scholar, 1993; International Pontic Congresses, general secretary, 1994-; Copenhagen Polis Center, member, 1995-; organizer of scholarly seminars and conferences. University of London, member of Centre for the Ancient Near East, 1995-; University of Copenhagen, visiting professor at Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, 1998; British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, member, 1999-; guest lecturer at educational institutions in Europe, the United States, and Canada; presenter of public lectures. Participant in several excavations in Georgia, the Crimea, the area of the northern Black Sea, Ukraine, and North Caucasus. British Broadcasting Corp., special correspondent with Russian Service of World Service, 1991- 92; Eurasia Antiqua, British academic representative, 1996-. Publications: Die Griechen in der Kolchis: Historisch-archäologischer Abris, 1998; Pichvnari and Its Environs: 6th c. BC-4th c. AD, 1999. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: (with F. De Angelis) The Archaeology of Greek Colonisation: Essays Dedicated to Sir John Boardman, 1994; Greek Colonisation of the Black Sea Area: Historical Interpretation of Archaeology, 1998; Ancient Greeks West and East, 1999; (with A.J.N.W. Prag and A.M. Snodgrass) Periplous: Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology Presented to Sir John Boardman, 2000; North Pontic Archaeology: Recent Discoveries and Studies, 2001; (with J. Boardman and S.L. Solovyov) Northern Pontic Antiquities in the State Hermitage Museum, 2001. EDITOR: New Studies on the Black Sea Littoral, 1996; (with J. Boardman, and author of intro) S.L. Solovyov, Ancient Berezan: The Architecture, History, and Culture of the First Greek Colony in the Northern Black Sea, 1999; (with A.M. Snodgrass) Greek Settlements in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea, 2001; (with C. Morgan) Art and Myth in the Colonial World, 2001; Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th Century BC-5th Century AD), 2001; (with J. Boardman) O.Y. Neverov, Ancient Glyptic from the Northern Coast of the Black Sea, 2001. Contributor to books published in Russia and the West. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. Address: Department of Classics, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, England. Online address: g.tsetskhladze@rhul.ac.uk