Trawick, Leonard M.

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TRAWICK, Leonard M.

TRAWICK, Leonard M. American, b. 1933. Genres: Poetry, Songs/Lyrics and libretti, Literary criticism and history, Poetry. Career: Columbia University, New York City, assistant professor of English, 1961-69; Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, associate professor, 1969-71, professor of English and editor for Poetry Center, 1971-98, director of Poetry Center, 1990-91, professor emeritus, 1998-; writer. Publications: (ed.) Backgrounds of Romanticism, 1967; Beast Forms (poetry), 1971; Severed Parts, 1981; (ed.) World Self Poem, 1990; Mary Stuart: A Queen Betrayed (opera libretto), 1991; German Literature of the Romantic Era and Age of Goethe, 1993; (principal trans. and co-ed.) Beastmorfs, 1994; Leonard Trawick: Greatest Hits, 2001. Work represented in poetry anthologies. Contributor of poetry to periodicals. Address: Department of English, Cleveland State University, 1983 E 24th St, Cleveland, OH 44115, U.S.A. Online address:

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