Towne, Marian K(leinsasser)

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TOWNE, Marian K(leinsasser)

TOWNE, Marian K(leinsasser). American, b. 1933. Genres: Romance/ Historical, Food and Wine, Local history/Rural topics, Theatre, Theology/ Religion, Women's studies and issues, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Findlay College (now University), Findlay, OH, assistant professor of English, 1966-68; Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, affiliate faculty in speech, 1982-92; part-time instructor at Butler University, Indianapolis, Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL, and Bluffton College, Bluffton, OH; teacher at high schools in Kansas and Indiana. Publications: Bread of Life: Diaries and Memories of a Dakota Family, 1994; A Midwest Gardener's Cookbook, 1996; Dreaming the Impossible Dream: The First Thirty Years of the Edyvean Repertory Theatre, 1996; The Onliest One Alive: Surviving Jonestown, 1995; That All May Be One: Centennial History of Church Women United in Indianapolis, 1998; Celebrating the Journey: The Diamond Anniversary of Fairview Presbyterian Church, 1999; Jacob Hutter's Friends: Twelve Narrative Voices from Switzerland to South Dakota over Four Centuries, 1999. Address: 5129 N Illinois St., Indianapolis, IN 46208-2613, U.S.A. Online address:

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